Buttons and Icons ----------------- .. _12.5(1)|VOSS-346: .. _18.1-Patch-Bundle-3|VOSS-346: The button names are displayed when you hover over a button. The available buttons depend on how your Administrator has configured Self-service. * |image1| Home - Displays an overview of your Self-service configuration, this includes quick links to main features and a phones summary view. * |image2| My Information - Provides you with a view of your personal information as configured by administrator. * |image3| Phones - Displays all phones (and associated lines) assigned to you by your administrator. Also allows you to configure the phone's lines. * |image4| Voicemail - Displays the Voicemail settings that you can configure. Note that area is visible only if you have a Voicemail box. Consult your administrator if required. * |image5| Call Forwarding - Displays the call forwarding status of your phone lines. * |image6| My Availability - Displays the Do Not Disturb settings for each of your phones. * |image7| Speed Dials & BLFs - Allows you to manage the speed dials and busy lamp fields for each of your phones. * |image8| Help - Displays the help pages for each area of Self-service, such as Phones, Voicemail, Call Forwarding, Speed Dials, and so on. * |image9| Logout - Logs you out of the Self-service interface. * |image10| Add or Insert - Creates a new item, such as a phone, line, or speed dial. * |image11| Edit - Edits an existing item, such as edit a phone description, or number. * |image12| Remove or Delete - Removes or deletes the selected item, for example personal phone or speed dial entry. * |image13| Information - Typically located in the top, right-hand corner of certain display areas such as 'Select a Phone', 'Your Personal Phones', and so on, or next to an item. When you move your cursor over this icon, text is displayed that describes the purpose of that particular area or item. * |image14| Active Flag - Indicates if certain line settings such as call forwarding or do not disturb are active. * |image15| Inactive - Indicates if certain line settings such as call forwarding or do not disturb are inactive. * |image16| Refresh - Located in the top, right-hand corner of each display area that can be edited. Click to update the specific area. Typically done to refresh the view to include any updates, such as adding a speed dial. * |image17| Close - Located in the top, right-hand corner of a pop-up pane. Click to dismiss the pop-up pane * |image18| Privacy Policy - If configured by the administrator, this button shows in the button bar and provides a link to the Privacy Policy URL. .. |image1| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_home_icon.png .. |image2| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_my_information_icon.png .. |image3| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_phones_icon.png .. |image4| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_voicemail_icon.png .. |image5| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_call_forwarding_icon.png .. |image6| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_my_availability_icon.png .. |image7| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_speed_dials_icon.png .. |image8| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_help_icon.png .. |image9| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_logout_icon.png .. |image10| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_add_insert_icon.png .. |image11| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_edit_icon.png .. |image12| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_remove_delete_icon.png .. |image13| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_information_icon.png .. |image14| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_active_icon.png .. |image15| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_inactive_icon.png .. |image16| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_refresh_icon.png .. |image17| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_close_pane_icon.png .. |image18| image:: ../../selfservice/assets/img/help/self_service_privacy_policy_icon.png