.. _number-management_flowcharts: .. .. rst-class:: chapter-with-expand Number Management ------------------------------------- High level flow: Provider .......................... .. uml:: @startuml !include style.iuml start while (Number Management enabled for customer? [default] ) is (No) :[[../src/user/create-customer.html Enable Number Management]]; endwhile (Yes) if (Numbers to manage?) then (Internal Numbers or Directory Numbers) :[[../src/user/concepts-directory-number-inventory.html DN Overview]]; fork :[[../src/user/concepts-number-inventory-list-view.html DN Inventory]]; fork again :[[../src/user/add_site_directory_numbers.html Add DNs]]; fork again :[[../src/user/p_concepts-manage-directory-numbers.html Manage Directory Numbers ]]; end fork else (External Numbers or E164 Numbers) :[[../src/user/dn-inventory-management.html E164 Overview]]; fork :[[../src/user/e164-inventory.html E164 Inventory]]; fork again :[[../src/user/add-e164-inventory.html Add E164 Numbers]]; end fork endif :[[../src/user/p_manage-dns-e164-associations.html Manage DN-E164 associations ]]; stop @enduml |youtube.png| Add DNs |youtube.png| Add E164 Numbers Manage Directory Numbers ............................. .. uml:: @startuml !include style.iuml start floating note right: Management tasks fork :[[../src/user/concepts-directory-number-cooling.html Cooling]]; fork again :[[../src/user/run-dni-audit-tool.html Audit]]; fork again :Reservation; note right WIP ( 20.1.1) end note end fork stop @enduml |youtube.png| `Enable Number Cooling `_ .. raw:: html |youtube.png| `Manage Number Cooling `_ .. raw:: html |youtube.png| Audit .. _manage-e164-dns: Manage DN-E164 associations .............................. .. uml:: @startuml !include style.iuml start floating note right: Management tasks fork partition AssociateRangeDNs { :[[../src/user/associate_range_E164_numbers_to_range_DNs.html Associate a range of E164 with DNs]]; :[[../src/user/view_associated_range_e164_dns.html View associated ranges]]; } fork again partition AssociateSingleDN { :[[../src/user/associate_set_E164_numbers_to_one_DN.html Associate a range of E164 with single DN]]; :[[../src/user/view-single-dn-associations.html View single associations]]; } end fork partition Disassociate { :[[../src/user/dissasociate-e164-set-from-single-dn.html Dis-associate E164 range from single DN]]; } :[[../src/user/Migrate-Manually-Configured-E164-DN-Association-Translation-Patterns.html Migrate E164-DN associations]]; stop @enduml |youtube.png| Associate Flow: Enterprise ............................ .. uml:: @startuml !include style.iuml start while (Number Management enabled for customer? [default] ) is (No) :[[../src/user/create-customer.html Enable Number Management]]; endwhile (Yes) :[[../src/user/admin/concepts-solutions-internal-number-inventory.html Internal Number Inventory]]; :[[../src/user/admin/tasks-solutions-add-directory-number-inventory.html Manage Internal Numbers]]; floating note right: Management tasks fork :[[../src/user/concepts-directory-number-cooling.html Cooling]]; fork again :[[../src/user/run-dni-audit-tool.html Audit]]; fork again :Reservation; note right WIP ( 20.1.1) end note end fork stop @enduml |youtube.png| Manage Internal Numbers |youtube.png| `Enable Number Cooling `_ .. raw:: html |youtube.png| `Manage Number Cooling `_ .. raw:: html .. |menu_book32x24.png| image:: /src/images/menu_book32x24.png .. |playcircle24x23.png| image:: /src/images/playcircle24x23.png .. |youtube.png| image:: /src/images/youtube.png