Role at Allowed Hierarchy Function ---------------------------------- .. index:: Macro function;fn.get_admin_roles_allowed_at_hn Given a hierarchy friendly path as a function parameter, the ``fn.get_admin_roles_allowed_at_hn`` function returns the list the roles allowed for admins at the given hierarchy friendly path. For example, given a context hierarchy (site): :: sys.hcs.CS-P.CS-NB.AAAGlobal.LOC001 and evaluating the function: :: {{ fn.get_admin_roles_allowed_at_hn fn.hierarchy_friendly_path }} the output of this macro will for example be: :: [ "LOC001SiteAdmin", "LOC001SiteOper" ] Given a context hierarchy (reseller): :: sys.hcs.CS-P.CS-NB the output of this macro will for example be: :: [ "CS-NBCustomerAdministrator", "CS-NBCustomerOperator", "CS-NBResellerAdministrator", "CS-NBResellerOperator", "CS-NBSiteAdmin", "CS-NBSiteOper" ] .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM