Log Functions ------------- .. index:: Macro function;fn.log * *fn.log*: Given a log level and message, display it in the log. Log levels can be: debug, critical, warn, error or info. .. index:: Macro function;fn.txn_log * *fn.txn_log*: Given a message, display it in the transaction log on the Admin Portal. The macro is typically added to a workflow "Set" step for debugging purposes. Examples: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{8cm}|p{7cm}| +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Example | Output | +===================================+===============================================+ | :: | In ``app.log``: | | | | | {{fn.log info, | :: | | This is an | | | informational message.}} | INFO This is an informational | | | message. | | | | | {{fn.log debug, | | | Debug message.}} | DEBUG Debug message. | | | | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | A workflow (1PWF) step Set | Step 1 - Set workflow context (1PWF): | | variable "bar" is a message with | | | the value of "name". | | | | | | | | | :: | | | | :: | | {{fn.txn_log pwf.name}} | | | | { | | | "set_list": [ | | | { | | | "set_var_name": "name", | | | "set_var_value": "foo" | | | }, | | | { | | | "set_var_name": "bar", | | | "set_var_value": | | | "{{fn.txn_log pwf.name}}" | | | } | | | ], | | | "bar": "foo", | | | "name": "foo" | | | } | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ For examples of the macros below, refer to the example for Custom Messages and Details in Provisioning Workflows. * ``fn.set_current_transaction_detail()`` To customize the transaction detail of the *current* transaction: top (ancestor) or child transaction. If a transaction fails, this detail will also override the standard detail. * ``fn.set_top_level_transaction_detail()`` To customize the transaction detail of the top (ancestor) transaction. If there is no top transaction, it will customize the current transaction detail. If a transaction fails, this detail will also override the standard detail. * ``fn.set_current_transaction_message()`` To customize the transaction message of the *current* transaction: top or child transaction. If a transaction fails, this message will *not* override the standard error message. * ``fn.set_top_level_transaction_message()`` To customize the transaction message of the top transaction. If there is no top transaction, it will customize the current transaction message. If a transaction fails, this message will *not* override the standard error message. .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM