Localization Functions ---------------------- .. index:: Macro function;fn.localize * *fn.localize*: Return a value that is localized, in other words it will be translated if a translation exists. It is used with a macro call that returns a value from a data store. .. index:: Macro function;fn.list_installed_languages * *fn.list_installed_languages*: List the installed languages on the system. This includes languages in the Admin Portal and selfservice GUI. .. index:: Macro function;fn.list_installed_languages_admin * *fn.list_installed_languages_admin*: List the installed languages in the Admin Portal. .. index:: Macro function;fn.list_installed_languages_selfservice * *fn.list_installed_languages_selfservice*: List the installed languages in the selfservice GUI. .. index:: Macro function;fn.list_installed_languages_by_role * *fn.list_installed_languages_by_role*: List the installed languages based on the User Role Interface value. The User Role Interface value is a parameter of this function: * admin - installed languages in the Admin Portal * self-service - selfservice GUI * none - union of admin and selfservice languages .. index:: Macro function;fn.localize_choices * *fn.localize_choices*: Given a parameter containing a list of strings, return title-value pairs of the strings, with the titles marked for localization. The function is used to localize drop-down lists. For example, given a list: :: [ 'choice1', 'choice2' ] then the function will return :: [ {'title': _('choice1'), 'value': 'choice1'}, {'title': _('choice2'), 'value': 'choice2'}] which is then localized upon rendering. For English, this will simply be: :: [ {'title': 'choice1', 'value': 'choice1'}, {'title': 'choice2', 'value': 'choice2'}] .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | Example | Output | +====================================================+=============================+ | :: | | | | A localized value is | | {{ fn.localize data.LocalizedModelStore. | returned. | | localized_value | | | | where_clause }} | | +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | :: | :: | | | | | {# fn.list_installed_languages #} | [{'value': 'en-us', | | | 'title': 'English'}, | | | {'value': 'de-de', | | | 'title':'German'}] | | | | +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | :: | :: | | | | | {# fn.list_installed_languages_admin #} | | | | [{'value':'en-us', | | | 'title': 'English'}] | | | | +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | :: | :: | | | | | {# fn.list_installed_languages_selfservice #} | | | | [{'value': 'en-us', | | | 'title': 'English'}, | | | {'value': 'de-de', | | | 'title': 'German'}] | | | | +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | :: | :: | | | | | {# fn.list_installed_languages_by_role none #} | | | | [{'value': 'en-us', | | | 'title': 'English'}, | | | {'value': 'de-de', | | | 'title': 'German'}] | | | | +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | | output before localization: | | | | | :: | :: | | | | | {{ fn.localize_choices | [{'title': _('create'), | | data.HcsNbnSupportedModelsDAT.operations | | 'value': 'create'}, | | modelType:data/User }} | {'title': _('delete'), | | | 'value': 'delete'}, | | | {'title': _('update'), | | | 'value': 'update'}] | +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM