.. _macro-email-functions: Email Functions -------------------- .. index:: Macro function;fn.email_html * *fn.email_html*: Given the parameters: * ``to``: addressee email address * ``from``: sender email address * ``template``: email template * ``file_path``: attachment (optional) See :ref:`macro-file-functions`. send an email if an SMTP server is set up at the hierarchy from which the function is called. The function is typically used in provisioning workflows to send an email to a subscriber using the Quick Add Subscriber feature if this has been set up - see: :ref:`global-settings`. Syntax: ``{{ fn.email_html pwf.to,pwf.from,pwf.template,pwf.file_path }}`` where: * the parameters have been assigned values in the workflow. Workflow snippet example: :: { "entity": "data/ProvisioningWorkflow", "entity_type": "model", "method": "set", "set_list": [ { "set_var_name": "to", "set_var_value": "{{ pwf.email_address }}" }, { "set_var_name": "email_template", "set_var_value": "Quick Add Subscriber" }, { "set_var_name": "from", "set_var_value": "{{ data.EmailHtmlTemplate.from | name:pwf.email_template | direction:up, limit:1 }}" }, { "set_var_name": "sendmail", "set_var_value": "{{ fn.email_html pwf.to,pwf.from,pwf.email_template }}" } ], "advanced_find_search_direction": "full_tree" }