Alert Types and Alert Field Reference --------------------------------------- For alert codes also see: .. raw:: html Error Messages and SNMP Traps in the Platform Guide. .. raw:: latex the Error Messages topic in the Platform or API Guides and SNMP Traps in the Platform Guide. .. _database-maintenance-alerts: Database Maintenance Alerts ........................... .. _19.2.1|VOSS-542|EKB-1564: If database maintenance schedules have not been set up from the Command Line Interface (CLI), alerts are shown *at the provider level hierarchy* for each required schedule. The schedules are required to periodically: * Archive or delete database transaction logs (CLI: **voss transaction archive** or **voss transaction delete**) Refer to the Platform Guide topic "Enable Database Scheduling " for details. The format of the alert is: * ID: A generated identifier: * ``TRANSACTION_DATABASE-`` .. note:: The ```` will be a primary unified node. These are where alerts are generated. * Code: An error or warning code associated with the alert. (``-1``) * Alert category: ``Database Maintenance`` * Severity: ``Warning`` * Message: * ``TRANSACTION DATABASE MAINTENANCE NOT SCHEDULED`` * Count: Displays the number of times the alert has occurred. * Latest Alert: Displays the last time this alert occurred. +------------+---------------------------------+----------------------+ | Alert Code | Alert ID | Alert Category | +============+=================================+======================+ | -1 | TRANSACTION_DATABASE- | Database Maintenance | +------------+---------------------------------+----------------------+ | -1 | CACHE_DATABASE- | Database Maintenance | +------------+---------------------------------+----------------------+ .. _licensing-alerts: Licensing ........... +------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Alert Code | Alert ID | Alert Category | +============+==================================================+==================================+ | 36200 | Hierarchy Resolution Failure | Licensing | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 36100 | License Audit File Transfer or | License Audit File Transfer | | | data/SmtpDestination, data/HttpDestination, etc. | | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ .. _change-notification-alerts: Change Notification ....................... +-------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | Alert Code | Alert ID | Alert Category | +=========================+=============================+===================================================+ | calling exception code: | device pkid OR business key | Device Change Notification Collector | | 40000-40006, 40008 | | | +-------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ Alert Field Reference ........................ - The field Title is indicated in bold. An asterisk * indicates the field is mandatory. - If the field Type is an array, its the Field Name has a .[n] suffix, where n is the array index placeholder. - Object and array names are listed to provide the context of fields. - If a field belongs to an object or an array, the full name is in dot separated notation. - Where cardinality is shown, the range is [MinItems..MaxItems]. - If a field has a Default value, the value is shown. - If a field has a Pattern, the regular expression pattern is shown. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{10cm}| +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | **ID \*** | | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Field Name | alert\_id | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Description | The unique ID of the alert | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Type | String | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | **Code \*** | | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Field Name | alert\_code | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Description | The code of the alert | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Type | String | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | **Category \*** | | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Field Name | alert\_category | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Description | The category of the alert | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Type | String | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | **Severity** | | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Field Name | alert\_severity | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Description | The severity of the alert | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Type | String | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Choices | ["Error", "Warning", "Info"] | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | **Message** | | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Field Name | alert\_message | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Description | The message describing the alert | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Type | String | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | **Count** | | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Field Name | alert\_count | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Description | The number of times this alert has occurred | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Type | Integer | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | **Latest Alert** | | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Field Name | alert\_timestamp | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Description | The last time this alert occurred | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Type | String | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Format | date-time | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+