Rules When Creating a Field Display Policy ------------------------------------------ When creating groups and selecting the field transfer boxes of a group, a number of rules apply. Regarding notation: if the fields belong to objects or arrays, the names in the transfer boxes are shown in dot notation. Refer to the target model type on-line help field reference to distinguish object types from array types. To understand the rules below, consider a selected Target Model Type with the fields as listed below. Where the name starts with "A", the field is an array and where it starts with an "O" it is an object. The values "x", "y", "z" are also objects. The field "F" is neither object or array. * A, A.x, A.x.b, A.x.c, A.x.d, A.y.r, A.y.s, A.y.t * F * O, O.v, O.z, O.z.a, O.z.b, O.w.d The following inclusion rules apply: * If a parent object or array field is included, the parent and all its children will be displayed in the GUI. For example, if O.z is selected, O.z is saved as the fields and the GUI will display O.z and also inner fields O.z.a and O.z.b. * If a specific selection and order of child elements are required, select these child elements and order them. For example, if O.w.d, O.z.b, F are selected, these three fields are saved in that order in the FDP group fields and the GUI shows only the inner field O.w.d, followed by the inner field O.z.b and lastly the field F. * Inclusion of child fields in a group without the inclusion of the parent fields will display these child fields at the root level of the form. For example, if O.w.d, O.z.b are selected, these fields are saved as is in the FDP group fields list and only the inner fields O.w.d and O.w.b are shown in the GUI. * Array children fields without their parent fields will be ignored by the GUI. Therefore, if the child fields of an array field are selected, the parent field should also be selected. For example, if A.y.s, A.y.t are selected, A and A.y should be selected. * Array fields may not be split into different groups. * The parents of fields cannot be in one group and its children in another. For example, O.z cannot be in Group 1 if O.z.a, O.z.b and O.w.d are in Group 2. * Fields of the same object and members of the same array type cannot belong to more than one group. For example: * If A.y.s is selected for Group 1, then A.y.t cannot be selected for Group 2. * If O.z.a is selected for Group 1, then O.z.b cannot be selected for Group 2 * You can split the first level children of object fields into different groups. For example: * O.v can be in Group 1 while O.z is in Group 2. * For second level children: O.z.a can be in Group 1 and O.w.d can be in Group 2. * To hide a field, do not move it to a Selected box. For example, to hide O.z.b, select O.z.a, O.w.d. To order fields in a group, arrange them in the Selected box. Use the **Move Up** and the **Move Down** buttons under the box. The following ordering rule applies: The ordering of child fields and their parents depend on the presence of siblings, other parents and children. If a child is selected in a group and not its parent, but a sibling of that parent is selected, then the sibling's order will affect the order of the fields. The logic of order resolution starts from parents to children, according to the rules below. For example, we select fields in this order in Group 1: C.z, A.x.b, A.x.c, B, A.y, A.x, C, C.w Result: * Parent fields on their own are considered first, hence our initial order is B, C. * However, parent A is not selected; only the children. We determine where A was mentioned. In this case the children of parent field A were mentioned before the parent fields B or C. Hence children of A will eventually be ordered before B and C. * Next we consider the selected first level child fields: C.z, A.y, A.x, C.w. The order becomes: A.y, A.x, B, C, C.z, C.w * We now move down the levels: A.x.b, A.x.c. Thus the final display order will be: A.y, A.x, A.x.b, A.x.c, B, C.z, C.w Further examples below illustrate the presence of parents, siblings and children on the selected order. * We add fields C.w, A, C, B, A.x, A.y. Result: The order is: A, A.x, A.y, C, C.w, B. * We add fields A.x.b, A.x.c, A.y, A, B Result: The order is: A, A.x, A.x.b, A.x.c, A.y, B. Note that A.x was added and that A.y is placed after A.x, since the children were ordered before A.y while A.x was never selected. .. rubric:: Related Topics * .. raw:: latex Field Display Policies in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html Field Display Policies .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM