.. _reference-admin-gui-theme-customization-colors: .. rst-class:: chapter-with-expand Theme Element Color References for the Administration Portal ------------------------------------------------------------- .. note:: * Color selection on the **Branding** tab of a theme *always* affects the Admin and Business Admin Portal. * Color selection on the **Branding** tab of a theme *only* affects the Legacy Admin Portal *if no theme file* is attached to the theme. To edit and manage theme files: .. raw:: latex Refer to Less files and Theme Customization in the Advanced Configuration Guide. .. raw:: html

Refer to Less files and Theme Customization

* Color selection is optional: where no colors are selected, defaults apply. Administration Portal Default Colors ....................................... Default Color Reference Table: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|p{4cm}|p{2cm}|p{6cm}| ================================ ================================ =================== ============================================================================================================= Title Field Name Default Value (Hex) Notes ================================ ================================ =================== ============================================================================================================= Primary Colour primary_colour #000046 This is the background colour for most menus and headers, as well as the text colour for links and buttons. Primary Text Colour primary_text_colour #ffffff This is the text colour for anything with the primary colour background. Accent Colour accent_colour #007fb0 This colour is used when attention needs to be drawn for important notifications or active buttons and text. Accent Text Colour accent_text_colour #ffffff This is the text colour for anything with the accent colour background. Background Colour background_colour #e6e7e8 The colour of the background. Topbar Colour topbar_colour #000046 The colour used for the top bar of the site. Will use the primary colour if no value is given. Topbar Text Colour topbar_text_colour #ffffff This is the text colour for the top bar. Will use the primary text colour if no value is given. Menu Colour menu_colour #000046 The colour used for the menu on the left. Will use the primary colour if no value is given. Menu Text Colour menu_text_colour #ffffff This is the text colour for the menu. Will use the primary text colour if no value is given. Panel Colour panel_colour #ffffff The colour used for all the panels in the app. Panel Text Colour panel_text_colour #414042 This is the text colour for normal text in the app. Info Notification Colour info_notification_colour #00ade5 The colour used for info notifications. Info Notification Text Colour info_notification_text_colour #ffffff This is the text colour for info notifications. Error Notification Colour error_notification_colour #dc0c00 The colour used for error notifications. Error Notification Text Colour error_notification_text_colour #ffffff This is the text colour for error notifications. Success Notification Colour success_notification_colour #68bd17 The colour used for success notifications. Success Notification Text Colour success_notification_text_colour #ffffff This is the text colour for success notifications. Warning Notification Colour warn_notification_colour #fbc403 The colour used for warning notifications. Warning Notification Text Colour warn_notification_text_colour #000000 This is the text colour for warning notifications. ================================ ================================ =================== ============================================================================================================= On the Admin Portal, consider the color selection on the **Branding** tab: |branding-theme| .. note:: * If a color value appears blank, default values apply. * Sub-menu and sub-sub-menu backgrounds are rendered as percentages of the Menu Colour. Admin Portal ............. |new-admin-theme-0| |new-admin-theme-1| |new-admin-theme-2| Business Admin Portal ..................... |business-admin-theme-0| |business-admin-theme-1| |business-admin-theme-2| .. |branding-theme-legacy| image:: /src/images/branding-theme-legacy.png .. |branding-theme| image:: /src/images/branding-theme.png .. |legacy-admin-theme-0| image:: /src/images/legacy-admin-theme-0.png .. |legacy-admin-theme-1| image:: /src/images/legacy-admin-theme-1.png .. |legacy-admin-theme-2| image:: /src/images/legacy-admin-theme-2.png .. |new-admin-theme-0| image:: /src/images/new-admin-theme-0.png .. |new-admin-theme-1| image:: /src/images/new-admin-theme-1.png .. |new-admin-theme-2| image:: /src/images/new-admin-theme-2.png .. |business-admin-theme-0| image:: /src/images/business-admin-theme-0.png .. |business-admin-theme-1| image:: /src/images/business-admin-theme-1.png .. |business-admin-theme-2| image:: /src/images/business-admin-theme-2.png