.. _self-service_and_user_configuration: Self-Service and User Configuration ----------------------------------- As an Administrator, you can: * Configure various aspects of the Self-Service interface * Provide user access to Self-Service * Configure services for the users as required This table provides a summary of the configurable items for the Self-Service interface. Configurable Items in Self-Service Interface ............................................ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}| +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Task or Item | Description | | | | +================+==================================================+ | | A user can log in to the Self-Service GUI if a | | | 'System User' entry exists for the user. A | | | 'System 'User entry is created automatically | | | when a user is added as a subscriber. | | | | | | You can grant a user access to Self-Service by | | User access | creating a user with a Self-Service role | | | directly in the System user interface. A user | | | with this role is not able to view devices or | | | any services associated with the devices. | | | Manually added users also cannot view personal | | | information such as first name, last name, | | | address, department, etc. | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | User | Self-Service authentication is controlled by the | | Authentication | administration interface using the same three | | | authentication methods: **Standard**, **LDAP**, | | | and **SSO**. | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | | The Self-Service GUI interface can be branded by | | | configuring Cascading Style Sheets and images | | | and logos. It uses the same theme upload and | | | download interface used for the administrator | | GUI Themes and | GUI. The theme itself however, is different | | Branding | between the administrator and Self-Service | | | interface (based on the user role). The log in | | | page theme is also loaded from the URL: | | | | | | https:///selfservice/#/login?theme=mytheme | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | | You can automatically assign a remote | | | destination profile (RDP) to a user so that they | | | can manage their own personal phones and | | | simultaneous ring settings. Select the **User | | | can enable Personal Phone Management (add Remote | | | Destination Profile)** check box on the | | | **Personal Phones** tab under **Customizations > | | Personal | Self Service Feature Display Policy**. | | Phones (Remote | | | Destinations) | If no RDP is associated to the user, the | | | Personal Phones management interface in | | | self-service is hidden. Multiple RDPs for each | | | user are not supported. The Personal Phones | | | management interface in Self-Service is also | | | hidden if a user has more than one RDP | | | associated. | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ For more information, see: * :ref:`add_subscribers` * :ref:`create_a_user` * :ref:`user_authentication` * :ref:`download__edit_and_update_a_theme` * :ref:`create_a_custom_self-service_role` .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}| +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Task or Item | Description | | | | +================+==================================================+ | | If a user has a dual-mode device associated, | | Dual-Mode | they can manage the phone number and | | Phones - | simultaneous ring settings for the device. If no | | Mobile ID | dual-mode device is associated, the relevant | | | settings are hidden in the Self-Service | | | interface. | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | | Voicemail settings are only visible in the | | | Self-Service interface if the user has a voice | | Voicemail | mailbox. Click the **Voicemail** tab of | | | **Customizations > Self Service Feature Display | | | Policy** to set voicemail settings, notification | | | devices, and SMS Interfaces. | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | | Users can modify their own Passwords and PINs if | | | the Self-Service Feature Display Policy is set | | Passwords and | to 'Show' these items. Click the **My | | PINS | Information** tab of **Customizations > Self | | | Service Feature Display Policy** to change this | | | setting. | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | | Users have a link to their WebEx server from the | | Link to a | Self-Service interface if this item is set to | | WebEx server | 'Show'. Click the **My Information** tab | | | of **Customizations > Self Service Feature | | | Display Policy** to change this setting. | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Hyperlinks to | | | predetermined | | | objects or | | | items such as | As the administrator, you specify the hyperlinks | | a support site | that appear in the Self-Service interface. | | or | | | downloadable | Refer to the VOSS Automate "Self-Service Guide". | | User Guide | | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | | Displays the call forwarding status of a user's | | | phone lines. You can specify whether Basic or | | Call | Advanced call forwarding is set to 'Show' in | | Forwarding | the Self-Service interface. Click the **Call | | | Forward** tab of **Customizations > Self Service | | | Feature Display Policy** to change this setting. | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ For more information, see: * :ref:`configure_phones` * :ref:`voicemail` * :ref:`create_a_custom_self-service_role`