.. _purge-cucm-user-from-voss4uc-only: Purge a Cisco Unified CM User from VOSS Automate Only ------------------------------------------------------ .. _19.1.1|EKB-1010: This procedure purges a single Unified CM user from the VOSS Automate database only, while leaving it on the associated Unified CM. .. note:: If the same user is synced from multiple Unified CMs, it results in a duplicate user on VOSS Automate. 1. Log in as provider administrator or higher. #. Set the hierarchy path to the hierarchy node where the Unified CM server is. #. Go to (default menu) **User Management > Sync & Purge > Local-Purge CUCM User**. #. Complete the following fields. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|p{12cm}| +------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Description | +==================+=================================================+ | Cisco Unified CM | Choose the Cisco Unified CM from which the | | | user was synced. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | User Name | From the **User Name** drop-down list, choose | | | the user you want to delete from VOSS Automate. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ 5. Click **Save** to purge the selected user from VOSS Automate. .. note:: The user remains on the associated Unified CM.