.. _enable_database_schedule: Enable Database Scheduling -------------------------- .. _19.2.1|VOSS-542|EKB-1564: If the following message is shown upon login or when typing **health login**, the steps below should be carried out: * ``TRANSACTION DATABASE MAINTENANCE NOT SCHEDULED`` For general information on scheduling, see: :ref:`scheduling`. For considerations and guidance on frequency of the schedule to set up for your system. see the System Maintenance section of the Best Practices Guide. .. important:: Schedules must be set up on *all* unified nodes. This ensures that they still run in the event of a failover and DR scenario. * For *transaction* database maintenance: With for example a schedule name ``dbtxn``: **schedule add dbtxn voss transaction archive 7** or **schedule add dbtxn voss transaction delete 7** Note that transaction archiving also deletes transactions. For further details, see :ref:`database_commands_for_transaction_management` Typing **health login** at the command line will now *not* show the ``TRANSACTION DATABASE MAINTENANCE NOT SCHEDULED`` message. The schedule instance can be modified, for example weekly on Sunday: **schedule time dbtxn weekly 0**