Web Certificate Expiration Notice --------------------------------- .. index:: health If a Web Certificate is due to expire, a notice will display on the status display 30 days before expiration: :: platform@development:~$ health host: AS01, role: webproxy,application,database, LOAD: 3.85 date: 2014-08-28 11:24:22 +00:00, up: 6 days, 3:03 network:, ntp: HEALTH: NOT MONITORED database: 20Gb application: up WEB CERT EXPIRES AT: 2014-09-26 11:30:02 mail - local mail management keys - ssh/sftp credentials network - network management backup - manage backups voss - voss management tools log - manage system logs database - database management notify - notifications control schedule - scheduling commands diag - system diagnostic tools system - system administration snmp - snmp configuration user - manage users cluster - cluster management drives - manage disk drives web - web server management app - manage applications template - template pack creator Web certificate expiration can also be monitored if scheduled health monitoring is enabled - see:``enable_health_monitoring``. The health email will then show this message. If a Web Certificate has expired, the notice on the status displays: :: WEB CERT EXPIRED AT: 2014-09-26 11:30:02 Once the certificate is expired, the system can be used as normal, but the certificate will be expired and for non self-signed certificates (like a Godaddy or Thawte certificates), the data will no longer be properly encrypted. Renewing Expired Certificates ............................. According to the certificate type in use, refer to the setup steps to manage certificates: * :ref:`own_web_certificate_setup` * :ref:`set_up_a_web_certificate` .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM