.. _creating_and_managing_SFTP_Users: Creating and Managing SFTP Users -------------------------------- .. index:: user;user del .. index:: user;user list .. index:: user;user addkey .. index:: user;user sftp add .. index:: user;user sftp add_nopass .. index:: user;user sftp password .. _18.1-Patch-Bundle-2|VOSS-288: .. _19.3.4-PB2|EKB-5922: Administrators can add and manage users who have SFTP only access. For platform user management, see: :ref:`creating_additional_users`. To create a new SFTP only user, use the command: **user sftp add ** Add a username and password. See :ref:`password_strength_rules`. The system will create a user with the provided name and password provided, with the following restrictions: * the system can *only* be accessed by SFTP * user access is restricted to the platform ``home/`` directory only * the SFTP user will have a SSH key attached. * only the administrator can change the SFTP only user password To attach a SSH key to the SFTP user: 1. Copy the SSH public key for the user onto the system 2. Run **user addkey ** to attach the key to the user See also: :ref:`adding_a_key_for_automatic_user_login`. To change the SFTP user password: **user sftp password ** To remove the SFTP user: **user del ** SFTP users are listed under the ``sftp-only-users`` group when running the **user list** command. An SFTP only user can also be added without a password. This option can be used for an SFTP implementation that uses a key only (no password): **user sftp add_nopass**