.. _network-uri-specification: Network URI specification ------------------------- .. _20.1.1|EKB-4149: All network locations are specified as a URI, for example download locations, backup destinations, notification destinations, and so on. The following list shows the URI syntax: * ftp: ``ftp://user[:password]@host[:port][/path]`` * http: ``http(s)://user[:password]@host[:port]/path`` * file: ``file://{/path}+[/filename]`` * sftp: * ``sftp://user[:password]@host[:port][/path]`` * Azure: ``sftp://.[:passwd]@/path`` * ```` is set up on Azure. The name of the Storage Account. * ```` is set up on Azure if you enable SFTP and add a local user within the Storage Account settings. * scp: ``scp://[user@]host[:port]:[/path]`` * email: ``mailto:user@host`` * snmpv2: ``snmp://community@host[:port]`` * snmpv3: ``snmp://user:auth:password]@host[:port] ... minimum auth/password`` The ``[password]`` in the URI is optional when authentication is set up. Refer to :ref:`SSH_key_management`. .. note:: * If a password contains special characters, it should not be added to the URI, but typed in at the password prompt. * If necessary, the URI should be URL-encoded: reserved characters should be encoded with percent-encoding. .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM .. |Platform Guide| replace:: Platform Guide