.. _FMC_data_export: FMC Data Export --------------- (New report in version 2) This report includes users who have the FMC feature configured. The report includes the destination configured and an indication of whether the service is currently enabled or disabled (based on v2 FMC with CIM-based FMC). Any users without the FMC feature configured will not appear in the file. This report is only populated if the FMC adaptation is installed on the system - the file will be blank on systems without any users configured or if the adaptation is not installed. Filename: ``_fmc.json.gz`` Layout: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|p{9cm}|p{2cm}|p{1.5cm}| +---------------+------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | ELEMENT | DESCRIPTION AND SOURCE FIELD | DATA TYPE | VERSION | +===============+==========================================+===========+=========+ | provider_name | Name of the Provider | string | v2 | +---------------+------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | reseller_name | Name of the Reseller | string | v2 | +---------------+------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | customer_name | Name of the Customer | string | v2 | +---------------+------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | division_name | Intermediate Node (e.g | string | v2 | | | Division or other node) | | | +---------------+------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | location_name | Name of the Site | string | v2 | +---------------+------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | hierarchy | The full hierarchy path for | string | v2 | | | the item being exported | | | +---------------+------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | username | The userid of the remote | string | v2 | | | destination profile | | | | | | | | | | data/GS_FMC_UserExtended_DAT.username | | | +---------------+------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | destination | The mobile number | string | v2 | | | associated with CIM device | | | | | | | | | | data/GS_FMC_UserExtended_DAT.fmc.mobile | | | +---------------+------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | | An indication of whether | | | | fmc_enabled | fixed mobile convergence is | boolean | v2 | | | enabled for the destination | | | | | | | | | | data/GS_FMC_UserExtended_DAT.fmc.enabled | | | +---------------+------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ Example :: [ { "provider_name": "CS-P", "reseller_name": "CS-NB", "customer_name": "AAAGlobal", "division_name": "", "location_name": "AAA-Boston", "hierarchy": "sys.hcs.CS-P.CS-NB.AAAGlobal.AAA-Boston" "username": "ba_user4", "destination": "08212345678", "fmc_enabled": true } ]