.. _customer_data_export: Customer Data Export -------------------- (New report in version 2) Filename: ``_customer.json.gz`` Layout: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|p{9cm}|p{2cm}|p{1.5cm}| +---------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | ELEMENT | DESCRIPTION AND SOURCE FIELD | DATA TYPE | VERSION | +===============+=========================================+===========+=========+ | provider_name | Name of the Provider | string | v2 | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | reseller_name | Name of the Reseller | string | v2 | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | customer_name | Name of the Customer | string | v2 | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | hierarchy | The full hierarchy path for the | string | v2 | | | item being exported | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | account_id | The customer's account | string | v2 | | | identifier | | | | | | | | | | device/hcmf/Customer.accountID | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | external_id | An externally defined identifier | string | v2 | | | for the customer | | | | | | | | | | device/hcmf/Customer.externalCustomerID | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ Example :: [ { "provider_name": "CS-P", "reseller_name": "CS-NB", "customer_name": "Customer1", "hierarchy": "sys.hcs.CS-P.CS-NB.Customer1", "account_id": "ABCXYZ", "external_id": "" } ]