Phone, Subscriber, and Quick Add Subscriber use for Shared Line Across Sites ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. index:: Quick Add Subscriber (Feature);Feature Shared Line Across Sites Phones and Subscribers should only be created at real sites, not Inventory Sites. This is not enforced in the workflows, but will help facilitate ongoing management of the configuration data for the customer. Lines referenced in the **Phone** screen, the **Subscribers** screen, or the **Quick Add Subscriber** screen are created automatically if they have not already been provisioned in the Inventory Site and pushed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager. This is acceptable as long as you intend for these lines to be only referenced within one site. If a line gets created on a real site that you intended to share across sites, it is recommended that you delete the line, and recreate it in the Inventory Site. The fields of interest on the **Phone** screen are on the **Phone** tab and the **Lines** tab. The **Phone** tab is where you specify the Calling Search Space Name; this is the device-based routing class of service (CoS). By default this is the emergency routing CSS. Depending on choices made above in the Class of Service section, you might chose a different CSS here. The **Lines** tab is where you pick the DN (Pattern) from the drop-down list, and where you configure the E.164Mask used for line presentation. The DN drop-down list includes DNs from the Customer DN inventory combined with the current site DN inventory. The E.164Mask is a free-form field and is not tied to the E.164 inventory currently; it must be manually entered. These are the only fields that are pertinent to the Shared Line Across Sites feature. The Route Partition Name is automatically populated with the correct directory number partition based on the Pattern (DN) that is selected. Similar fields exist in the **Subscribers** tabs.