.. _installation-logs: Installation Logs ---------------------- .. index:: app;app install .. index:: app;app template .. index:: cluster;cluster add .. index:: cluster;cluster run .. index:: cluster;cluster provision .. index:: cluster;cluster prepnode .. index:: cluster;cluster status .. index:: cluster;cluster del .. index:: database;database weight .. index:: voss;voss cleardown .. index:: log;log follow .. index:: web;web weight .. index:: screen To troubleshoot an installation, log files can be inspected. For example, detailed platform commands show in the ``execute.log`` file. Here, log entries for the command execution have a ``ui`` column. Log entries that follow these show related commands. To only see the commands in ``execute.log`` example, you can open a new console and run: **log follow execute.log | grep " ui "** .. note:: Logs are rotated and install commands may not show after log rotation. The list below shows examples of installation commands and corresponding ``ui`` and following entries in ``execute.log``. * **app install vmware**. ``execute.log``:: : ui - /opt/platform/bin/scripts.py install 'vmware' * **app list**. ``execute.log``:: : ui - /opt/platform/bin/execute get /scripts/ : run: /opt/platform/bin/execute get /scripts/ : run: /opt/platform/bin/scripts.py list * **database config** ``execute.log``:: : ui - /opt/platform/apps/mongodb/bin/database_helper.py config : run: /opt/platform/apps/mongodb/bin/database_helper.py config : run: /opt/platform/apps/mongodb/bin/database_helper.py config returned 0 .. * **cluster prepnode**. .. * **cluster add **. * **cluster list**. ``execute.log``:: : ui - /opt/platform/bin/execute get /apps/cluster/engine/list : run: /opt/platform/bin/execute get /apps/cluster/engine/list : run: /opt/platform/bin/execute --app=cluster get /list : run: /opt/platform/apps/cluster/cluster.py list : run: /opt/platform/apps/cluster/cluster.py list returned 0 .. * **cluster run all network domain ** .. * **cluster run all network domain** * **cluster status**. ``execute.log``:: : ui - /opt/platform/bin/execute get /apps/cluster/engine/status : run: /opt/platform/bin/execute get /apps/cluster/engine/status : run: /opt/platform/bin/execute --app=cluster get /status : run: /opt/platform/apps/cluster/cluster.py status .. * **cluster check** * **cluster run all network dns** * **cluster run all system shutdown** * **database weight add ** * **cluster provision** * **cluster run app start** * **web service disable ** * **web service enable ** * **web service list** ``execute.log``:: : ui - /opt/platform/bin/execute get /apps/nginx/engine/disable : run: /opt/platform/bin/execute get /apps/nginx/engine/disable : run: /opt/platform/bin/execute --app=nginx get /disable : run: /opt/platform/bin/config.py get --app=nginx disable : run: /opt/platform/bin/config.py get --app=nginx disable returned 0 .. * **cluster run notme system shutdown**. * **system shutdown**. * **voss cleardown**. * **log follow upgrade_db.log** ``execute.log``:: : ui - /opt/platform/bin/execute post /apps/services/process/log/engine/log/follow '{"follow":"upgrade_db.log"}' : run: /opt/platform/bin/execute post /apps/services/process/log/engine/log/follow '{"follow":"upgrade_db.log"}' --method=os.system : run: /opt/platform/bin/execute --app=services:log post /log/follow '{"follow":"upgrade_db.log"}' --method=os.system : run: /opt/platform/apps/services/logviewer.sh follow upgrade_db.log * **app template media/** ``execute.log``:: ui - /opt/platform/apps/template_runner/template media/install.template platform [...] ui - /opt/platform/bin/execute --app=template_runner post /methods/import '{"filename":"DummyTestImport.json","import":"DummyTestImport.json"}' Please enter a password for ... ui - /usr/bin/docker exec -it voss-wsgi /opt/voss-deviceapi/bin/python /opt/voss-deviceapi/src/deviceapi/utils/get_user_password.py set_details sysadmin@sys [...] : ui - /opt/platform/bin/execute --app=template_runner post /methods/import '{"filename":"UpgradeChecks.json","import":"UpgradeChecks.json -p sys"}' [...] '{"filename":"EndToEnd.application.json","import":"EndToEnd.application.json -p sys"}' '{"filename":"SYS.json","import":"SYS.json -p sys"}' '{"filename":"SYSnoPKG.json","import":"SYSnoPKG.json -p sys"}' '{"filename":"SYSdotHCS_with_hcmf.json","import":"SYSdotHCS_with_hcmf.json -p sys.hcs"}' [...] .. * **cluster run notme system shutdown** * **system shutdown** * **cluster run all security check** * **cluster run all security update** * **cluster run notme system reboot** * **system reboot**.