.. _concepts-system-monitoring-worker-queue: Worker Queue ------------ .. _19.2.1|VOSS-544|EKB-1735: Provider administrators and higher have access to the **Worker Queue** menu (``data/MonitoringQueue``). Data is retained for 1 month. The displayed data is the aggregated number of transaction requests per processing node and configured interval. * The **Interval** indicates the configured time interval for the entry: hourly or daily. Hourly intervals aggregate samples collected 15 minute intervals. Daily intervals aggregate hourly intervals. * The **Start** and **End** values are the time stamps for the interval. The difference corresponds with the selected **Interval**. For the same **Start** and **End** timestamp, an entry is shown for each **Processing node** showing the combination of **Status**, **Priority** and **Tx level**. * **Status**: Transaction process status: "Queued" or "Processing". * **Priority**: Transaction priority: Low, Normal or High * **Tx level**: Transaction level: either parent or child transaction. * **Processing node**: the node that carried out the transaction. * **Avg Transactions**: the average of the **Max Transactions** and **Min Transactions** for the selected **Interval**. .. note:: The record detail also shows the **Min Transactions** and **Max Transactions** for the configured interval. These values reflect the sampling in the interval. For example, if the **Interval** is hourly and **Min Transactions** is 0, then one or more of the 15-minute sampling intervals recorded no transactions. * The **Located At** column shows the hierarchy at which the transaction was run. .. note:: If the value shows as ``sys(System)``, this includes all transactions at ``sys`` level and lower. Also refer to the use of the **voss worker** and **voss workers** commands in the Platform Guide.