.. _login_banner: Login Banner ------------ .. _12.5(1)|VOSSUC-20692: .. _18.1.3|VOSSUC-20692: A banner, typically a security notice or user agreement, can be configured at a hierarchy level to show on the Administrator and Self-Service login page before login. High level administrators who have access to the ``data/LoginBanner`` model can configure the banner. A banner can be created so that: * Only one instance is allowed per hierarchy If an administrator or Self-Service user logs in and belongs to a hierarchy for which there is no defined login banner, the first banner higher up on the hierarchy is displayed. If no banners are configured, then the user logs in without a banner. The banner text is displayed in the format that it is entered into the input box upon configuration. When the banner is configured, users will see the banner displayed on the login page after they enter their credentials and when they click the **Login** button. An **Agree** and **Cancel** button is shown beneath the banner. Users then need to click the **Agree** button to complete the login. If they click **Cancel**, they are returned to the login page. .. note:: This banner is independent of the text on the login screen that may contain a privacy policy reference. The privacy policy text and reference on the login page is configured as a part of the Login Page Details when managing a theme - see :ref:`set_the_login_page_theme`. .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM