.. _managing_intercom_lines: Managing Intercom Lines ----------------------- .. _18.1-Patch-Bundle-3|EKB-262: When the feature is set up, administrators will navigate to a site and then have access to a **Intercom Lines** menu under the **Subscriber Management** menu for the site. A list view of Intercom lines are shown, where these can be added, deleted and modified. |Intercom-Lines-list-view| The Intercom lines detail form is more simplified than the Lines form, showing only the relevant fields. .. note:: Intercom lines should be not be managed from the **Lines** menu. |Intercom-Lines-detail-view| When adding or modifying these: * The **Route Partition** drop-down only shows Intercom partitions. * The **Calling Search Space** drop-down only shows Intercom calling search spaces. * For **Default Activated Device**, select the supported device from the drop-down list. * The **Auto Answer** drop-down only shows supported options. * If the **Description** field is left blank, it takes a default value "Intercom Line". .. |Intercom-Lines-list-view| image:: /src/images/Intercom-Lines-list-view.png .. |Intercom-Lines-detail-view| image:: /src/images/Intercom-Lines-detail-view.png