.. _standalone-extension-mobility: Configure Extension Mobility Profile ------------------------------------- .. _20.1.1|VOSS-687|EKB-4500: Standalone Extension Mobility (EM) allows administrators to create and manage all EM profiles at the specified organization level. Add an Extension Mobility Profile ....................................... .. _21.2|EKB-10481: * Add or update a subscriber's extension mobility (EM) profile via **Subscriber Management > Subscribers**. From the list view, open a subscriber, and select the **Extension Mobility** tab. See :ref:`add_subscribers`. * Add or update a standalone EM profile via (default menus) **Subscriber Management > Extension Mobility**. From the list view, choose an EM profile to open its configuration screen, and select the **Extension Mobility** tab. When adding or editing EM profiles, you can personalize the profile for each user. The table describes common rules for adding an extension mobility (EM) profile: ================================== ========================================================================================== Extension Mobility tab Name must be unique. The name cannot be the same as a device name on Unified CM since both are device types. This field is read-only when editing an EM profile. Lines tab * Extension mobility (EM) can be associated to multiple subscribers. If the **Show Numbers belonging to this Subscriber** option is chosen as the **Inventory Filter**, only the directory numbers associated to the first subscriber on the **Subscribers** tab are displayed. * Line settings can only be changed for the original line, not the clones. * All line settings changed for a line automatically apply for the clones of that line (if any). Speed Dials tab Allows you to manage the speed dial numbers associated with the EM profile. Services tab Extension mobility (EM) profiles can be subscribed, unsubscribed, and re-subscribed to IP Phone Services such as Intercom Calls, Login/Logout, or SingleWire. Once you choose the IP phone service, the system retrieves the URL and a custom parameter (if any, for example, Ext1 and Ext2) from ``device/cucm/IpPhoneService`` and populates the **URL** field. Subscribers tab Allows you to associate the EM profile to one or more subscribers. You can also disassociate an EM profile from a subscriber by clearing the name from the **Username** drop-down, and saving the change. The **Subscriber** link on an existing EM profile links to the associated subscriber's **Extension Mobility** form (default menu **Subscriber Management > Subscribers**). ================================== ========================================================================================== Delete an Extension Mobility Profile ..................................... You can delete a standalone extension mobility (EM) profile via the list view (default menus, **Subscriber Management > Extension Mobility**). When deleting an EM profile, the following elements are automatically removed/cleared: * Speed dials * Busy lamp fields * Service URL's * IP phone service subscriptions