.. _emcc_group_management: EMCC Group Management --------------------- .. _19.2.1|VOSS-205: An Extension Mobility Cross Cluster (EMCC) group is a collection of clusters and countries that essentially forms an 'EMCC Cloud', which determines the specific clusters between which a user can roam. .. note:: A cluster can only be included in one group. EMCC groups typically cater for situations where all the clusters are in different countries, and are managed by the same platform instance. To support multiple clusters in the same country, you need to refine the geolocations and geolocation filters to uniquely identify the clusters in the default provisioning of country. This is supported by using the home cluster setup for each of the clusters in the group. The EMCC Group screen allows a provider administrator to add or remove clusters and countries to or from an EMCC group, or to modify/delete an existing EMCC Group. .. note:: To delete an EMCC Group, click on the Group to delete on the EMCC Group screen and then click **Delete** on the button bar. See also: * :ref:`add_emcc_group` * :ref:`modify_emcc_group`