.. _convert-user-type-ldap-local: Convert User Type CUCM-LDAP to CUCM Local ----------------------------------------- .. _19.3.1|VOSS-608: This tool is used to convert a CUCM-LDAP user account to a CUCM Local User. If the user exists on CUCxn Server then the user is also converted to a Local User, that is, the user on CUCxn is set to "Do not Integrate with LDAP Directory". Converting a user from CUCM-LDAP to CUCM Local is typically required when the user has been deleted from the LDAP Server, the Unified CM has synced with the LDAP Server, and the user has been set to "Inactive". In this scenario, the user would be deleted when the Garbage Collection process runs on the Unified CM. Converting the user to a CUCM Local user prevents the user from being automatically deleted. * Only users with CUCM-LDAP type are shown by default in the **User to Convert** drop-down. * If the **Show Inactive LDAP Users Only** check box is selected, the list of users is filtered to only show the "CUCM-LDAP" users with a status of "Inactive", i.e. status value = 2. An Inactive User on CUCM is a user that was deleted from the LDAP Server, and CUCM synced with the LDAP server after the deletion took place. Inactive Users will be deleted from CUCM when the Garbage Collector next runs on CUCM. * Password. The password entered here will be used to set the password for the user on CUCM and CUCxn. Informational fields show: * Current User Hierarchy * LDAP Directory Name * Current User Status: * Active (1): the user is still in LDAP since the last sync * Inactive (2): the user is not in LDAP since the last sync