.. _cli_commands: CLI Commands ------------ .. index:: cluster;cluster prepnode .. index:: cluster;cluster run .. index:: system .. index:: help .. index:: health Enter **help** (or **health**) to display the following screen::: platform@development:~$ help host: AS01, role: webproxy,application,database, LOAD: 3.85 date: 2014-08-28 11:24:22 +00:00, up: 6 days, 3:03 network:, ntp: HEALTH: NOT MONITORED database: 20Gb application: up mail - local mail management keys - ssh/sftp credentials network - network management backup - manage backups voss - voss management tools log - manage system logs database - database management notify - notifications control schedule - scheduling commands diag - system diagnostic tools system - system administration snmp - snmp configuration user - manage users cluster - cluster management drives - manage disk drives web - web server management app - manage applications template - template pack creator .. note:: From release 21.1 onwards, **cluster** commands should be used in standalone ("cluster-of-one") deployments. On web proxy nodes, the only cluster command you can run is **cluster prepnode**. Database commands are also not available on web proxy nodes. Notices and critical warnings are shown in colors upon login. .. image:: /src/images/login-notification-colors.png Entering any valid command name displays the usage parameters of that command. The **system** command help display is shown below::: platform@development:~$ system USAGE: ------ system date - Display the system date and time system download - Download a specific URL to media directory system history - Display a history of all executed UI commands system keyboard - Change the keyboard type (e.g. dvorak, us) system mount - Mount all removable media system password - Change the platform password system provision - Provision all the applications system reboot - Reboot the system system root - Support administration via one-time-password system shutdown - Halt the system system unmount - Unmount all removable media When commands are run on a cluster, a number of options are available to specify the nodes on which the commands can be run. In other words, there is a ** clause: **cluster run **. The clause can take: * *role* - the role of the node: ``application``, ``database``, ``webproxy`` * ``all`` - the entire cluster * ``notme`` - all nodes except the one the command is run on For example, **cluster run notme system shutdown** would issue the command to shut down all nodes except the one the command is run on. .. note:: In a cluster, reboot and shutdown of the entire cluster should be done on each node and not with the **cluster run all** command - see: :ref:`remote_execution_in_clusters`. Tab completion is available from the CLI for commands, parameters and partial filenames, for example: :: $ log audit collect follow list merge purge send sendnewer view $ log audit locallog remotelog ssl status $ log view process/ngin $ log view process/nginx.proxy.log See also :ref:`screen-command`. .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM .. |Platform Guide| replace:: Platform Guide