.. _transactions_panel: View Transactions ------------------ .. _20.1.1|EKB-4360: .. _20.1.1|VOSS-670|EKB-4802: The Transaction list provides auditing information for each transaction. * To open the Transactions list: * Choose **Transactions** from the menu (default menu **Administration Tools > Transaction**); or, * Click the **Transaction Log** button on the top menu bar |new-bap-transaction-log-icon|. By default, the **Transaction** list view (default menu **Administration Tools > Transaction**) displays all parent transactions in progress or executed. * To view child transactions (sub-transactions) in the list view, filter the list, and select the **Include Sub Transactions** checkbox. * Select **Select to exclude system transactions in results** to show the transaction filter result list rows where the **Username** column with value ``system`` is *excluded*. By default, these are included in the filter result list. * The **Status** column displays the transaction status. If transactions are running, clicking **Refresh** updates the transaction status **Status** field. For completed transactions, the **Status** column displays either **Success**, **Success With Async Failures**, or **Fail**. By default, failed transactions are highlighted in red. This can be overridden in the Theme (if required). An exclamation icon displays adjacent to the word **Fail**. * The **Detail** column provides additional details on the transaction if available. The contents of the Detail column of transaction lists are not localized. Filter Transactions in the List ................................ * Use the **Filter** button to open the pop up dialog with which you can filter the transaction list |new-bap-transaction-filter-icon| * A transaction filter is a logical AND operation over a number of active search criteria related to column values that are entered in the **Filter** pop-up form * Select **Include Sub Transactions** to also see sub-transactions in the list - the **Id** is displayed as indented and listed above the parent on an unsorted **Id** column. * Use the **My Transactions** button to filter the transaction list to the current user |new-bap-my-transactions-icon| * A filter on the list of transactions is displayed on the list header as a link. Use the link to see or modify a filter. .. note:: To clear a filter, click the **Clear filter** (red X) icon located next to the filter details at the center above the column headers. * To view transaction details, select a transaction from the list. .. |new-bap-transaction-log-icon| image:: /src/images/new-bap-transaction-log-icon.png :align: middle .. |new-bap-transaction-filter-icon| image:: /src/images/new-bap-transaction-filter-icon.png :align: middle .. |new-bap-my-transactions-icon| image:: /src/images/new-bap-my-transactions-icon.png :align: middle .. |new-bap-replay-transaction-icon| image:: /src/images/new-bap-replay-transaction-icon.png :align: middle .. |new-bap-transaction-edit-replay-icon| image:: /src/images/new-bap-transaction-edit-replay-icon.png :align: middle