.. _BAP-conferencing: Conferencing ------------- .. _21.1|VOSS-790: The Conferencing landing page allows you to view and manage conference services from **Quick Actions**. A Pexip Conference Accounts counter shows the total number of Pexip conference accounts. * View Pexip Conferencing Accounts Provides a list of conferencing accounts that have been set up at the current hierarchy or lower. An account can be selected to see or edit details. Refer to Add Pexip Conference Account below for field details. * Add Pexip Conference Account 1. To manage Virtual Meeting Rooms (VMR), use the **Add** icon from the **Conferencing** menu or from the **Quick Actions** link. You will be prompted to select a hierarchy. #. The **Name** and **Owner's email address** are mandatory fields. #. If used, the **Host PIN** can be reset on the administrator interface (resetting UC passwords). #. If you select **Allow Guests**, an input box is shown to enter the **Guest PIN**. #. Complete the required fields and click **Save**. The name of the VMR will now show on the **Conferencing** menu list. Any changes to the VMR on the Pexip Conferencing Platform will also update the VMR in the Business Admin Portal.