.. _bap-save-a-search: Save a Search -------------- This procedure saves a search as a filter so that you can run it from the landing page in future. #. Configure search criteria and run a search. #. Select the **Save this filter** link to save the search criteria saved search or filter. You can access the filter on the **Saved Searches** panel on the landing page. Once a filter is saved, a table header above the header rows displays the filter with a proposed name and a "Save this filter" link, for example: ``Filter: Device Name contains 'BAT'(Save this filter)`` .. note:: Additional filter options (such as "Start with" and "Equals" instead of only "Contains") are available when using the **Search** control. #. Rows matching the filter on the organizational level display per page, up to the paging number in the footer row drop-down of the page. .. note:: If a list is currently filtered, column sort is appled only to the filtered column. .. rubric:: Related Topics * .. raw:: latex Run a Search in the Business Admin Portal Guide .. raw:: html Run a Search