.. _assign_a_credential_policy_to_a_user: Assign a Credential Policy to a User ------------------------------------ This procedure assigns a credential policy. Typically, a user inherits a credential policy from the nearest hierarchy node, at or above their location, wherever a default credential policy is defined. However, you can explicitly assign a credential policy to a user. 1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator. 2. Go to (default menu) **User Management > Users**. 3. Click the user that you want to assign a credential policy to. 4. On the **Account Information** tab, from the **Credential Policy** drop-down, choose a credential policy to assign. The menu contains all the credential policies available at or above the user's node in the hierarchy. 6. Click **Save**. .. note:: If a user is signed in when the credential policy is changed, changes are not applied until the user signs out and signs in again.