Default CUCM Phone Template --------------------------- applies to: ``device/cucm/Phone`` Internal workflow settings (not customizable): * CFT has variables to loop over the lines on a Phone * CFT replaces any existing values as opposed to only adding values Default CFT values: * ``builtInBridgeStatus``: "Default" * ``callingSearchSpaceName``: :: "(( input.Phone.callingSearchSpaceName == None )) <{{macro.CUCM_PHONE_callingSearchSpaceName}}> <{{input.Phone.callingSearchSpaceName}}>" The CFT uses an IF-THEN-ELSE type macro to resolve the value. The macro first checks if a value for ``callingSearchSpaceName`` is available in the input context of the workflow (user input or for example by other means in the workflow such as another CFT). Otherwise, a named macro is used to resolve the value. The named macro references the value from the Site Defaults Doc at the current hierarchy, in particular, from the value of ``defaultdevicecss``. * ``certificateOperation``: "No Pending Operation" * ``class``: "Phone" * ``commonPhoneConfigName``: "Standard Common Phone Profile" * ``description``: "Created by default template" * ``deviceMobilityMode``: "On" * ``devicePoolName``: :: {{ macro.CUCM_PHONE_devicePoolName }} A named macro is used to resolve the value. The named macro references the value from the Site Defaults Doc at the current hierarchy, in particular, from the value of ``defaultDP``. * ``lines.line[0].display``: ``"{{ input.firstName }}"`` Each line associated to a phone will have the user first name that is available as input context to the workflow. The macro notation ``input`` is the namespace for the context reference that is available during the workflow. The value ``firstName`` is a property of the Subscriber object that is created and is available for the input form of the Quick Add Subscriber feature. * ``locationName``: :: {{ macro.CUCM_PHONE_locationName }} A named macro is used to resolve the value. The named macro references the value from the Site Defaults Doc at the current hierarchy, in particular, from the value of ``defaultLOC``. * ``packetCaptureMode``: "None" * ``phoneTemplateName``: "Standard 9971 SIP" * ``product``: "Cisco 9971" * ``protocol``: "SIP" * ``protocolSide``: "User" * ``securityProfileName``: "Cisco 9971 - Standard SIP Non-Secure Profile" * ``useTrustedRelayPoint``: "Default"