POST/PUT/DELETE/PATCH Response ------------------------------ Support for synchronous and asynchronous request resulting in transactions, is controlled by the ``nowait`` parameter in the request URL. The support for asynchronous request handling is indicated in the API schema structure **actions** with the ``support_async`` property. The outline of the default synchronous transaction response of mutator transactions when the API parameter ``nowait`` is set to be false, is as follows: :: { "pkid": "51f7e09bd0278d4b28e981da", "model_type": "data/CallManager", "meta": { "parent_id": { "pkid": "51f7d06ad0278d4b34e98134", "uri": "/api/data/HierarchyNode/51f7d06ad0278d4b34e98134" }, "summary_attrs": [ { "name": "description", "title": "Description" }, { "name": "host", "title": "Host Name" }, { "name": "port", "title": "Port" } ], "uri": "/api/data/CallManager/51f7e09bd0278d4b28e981da" }, "success": true } The outline of the synchronous response to asynchronous mutator transactions when the API parameter ``nowait`` is set to be true, is as follows: :: { "href": "/api/tool/Transaction/cfe8a8fd-98e6-4290-b0c3-2dfa2224b808", "success": true, "transaction_id": "cfe8a8fd-98e6-4290-b0c3-2dfa2224b808" } To retrieve (for example by polling) the transaction status of any mutator transactions, use the *transaction_id* in the synchronous response to the asynchronous mutator transaction as follows: :: GET /api/tool/Transaction/cfe8a8fd-98e6-4290-b0c3-2dfa2224b808 The response contains the status ad replay action URL, for example: :: { "meta": { "model_type": "tool/Transaction", "summary_attrs": { "name": "name", "title": "Name" }, "references": {} "actions": { "replay": { "class": "execute", "href": "/api/tool/Transaction/cfe8a8fd-98e6-4290-b0c3-2dfa2224b808/ replay?format=json", "method": "GET", "title": "Replay" } } } "data": { "status": "Completed", "username": "sysadmin", "resource": { "hierarchy: "sys", "after_transaction": "/api/data/GeneralHelp/5268c7d3a616540a766b91f5/? cached=5268f2eba616540a736b926c Entity", "current_state": "/api/data/GeneralHelp/5268c7d3a616540a766b91f5/ Entity", "before_transaction": "/api/data/GeneralHelp/5268c7d3a616540a766b91f5/ ?cached=5268c7d3a616540a766b91f7 Entity", "pkid": "5268c7d3a616540a766b91f5", "model_type": "data/GeneralHelp", } [...] This mechanism can be used to retrieve the transaction status of any transaction or its sub-transaction, using the pkid of the (sub) transaction. For the View model, the GET call to ``tool/Transaction/[trans pkid]`` shows the View resource has no instance pkid, because a view model stores no instances. .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM