Upgrade a Multinode Environment with the ISO and Template


  • When upgrading from VOSS-4-UC 18.1.3, refer to Upgrading from 18.1.3 to 21.1 - summary.

  • Upgrading to release 21.1 requires a system on 19.x, with security updates completed. The upgrade includes:

    • an upgrade to the underlying operating system to Ubuntu 18.04.4.
    • the installation of a new cluster check command available from the 21.1 ISO by running app install check_cluster.
  • While template installation and system upgrade takes approximately two hours at a single site, this may vary in accordance with your topology, number of devices and subscribers. Adjust your upgrade maintenance window to allow for your configuration.

    You can follow the progress on the Admin Portal transaction list.

  • When upgrading from CUCDM 11.5.3 Patch Bundle 2 or VOSS-4-UC 18.1 Patch Bundle 2 and earlier, re-import specified CUC models according to your current version. Refer to the final upgrade procedure step.

  • Tasks that are marked Prior to Maintenance Window can be completed a few days prior to the scheduled maintenance window so that VOSS support can be contacted if needed and in order to allow for reduce down time.

  • If any Microsoft integrations exist in VOSS-4-UC pre-upgrade, then the existing device connections configured for Azure AD Online will be migrated to MS Graph. The MS Graph connection configuration requires additional details, which must be obtained prior to upgrade. Please see the VOSS-4-UC Configuration and Sync and Microsoft Configuration Setup topics in the Core Feature Guide. The connection configuration must be added to the migrated connection details after upgrade to ensure continued serviceability.

    • Ensure MicrosoftTenant, MSTeamsOnline and MSGraph instance have the same name by renaming instances.
  • When upgrading to 21.1, the app template install step may not succeed if:

    • attempting to upgrade a LandingPage without any "Sections" defined
    • attempting to upgrade a MenuLayout without any "Menu Items" defined

    If the installation is not successful, for the duration of the upgrade:

    • Add any arbitrary entry in Sections to a LandingPage without any Sections
    • Add any arbitrary entry in Menu Items to a MenuLayout without any Menu Items


    • remove any MenuLayout and LandingPage instances by first unlinking from any Roles and then deleting if this is acceptable


    • rerun the template install step

The standard screen command should be used where indicated. See: Using the screen command.