
Model: view/AddSharedCustomer

Fully automated on boarding of a Shared Architecture Customer

Model Details: view/AddSharedCustomer

Title Description Details
Cisco Publisher Selection Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Cisco Publisher Selection
  • Type: Object
Target Call Manager
  • Field Name: Cisco Publisher Selection.targetCUCM
  • Type: String
Target Unity Connection
  • Field Name: Cisco Publisher Selection.targetCUC
  • Type: String
Company Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Company Details
  • Type: Object
Name * Customer name. Can only use characters between A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ and -
  • Field Name: Company Details.name
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{1,60}$
Domain * Customer domain
  • Field Name: Company Details.domain
  • Type: String
Customer ID Unique identifier for this Customer
  • Field Name: Company Details.customer_id
  • Type: String
Address 1 Address 1
  • Field Name: Company Details.address1
  • Type: String
Address 2 Address 2
  • Field Name: Company Details.address2
  • Type: String
City City
  • Field Name: Company Details.city
  • Type: String
Postal Code Postal Code
  • Field Name: Company Details.postal_code
  • Type: String
State or Province State or Province
  • Field Name: Company Details.state
  • Type: String
Country * Customer country
  • Field Name: Company Details.country
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/Countries
  • Target attr: country_name
  • Format: uri
UCPrep Profile UCPrep Profile to optionally push per customer
  • Field Name: Company Details.ucprepProfile
  • Type: String
Add Call Manager Customer ( CUCM 12.5+ ) Default: false
  • Field Name: Company Details.cucmCustomerOption
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
Contact Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Contact Details
  • Type: Object
Customer Admin First Name First name of the customer administrator
  • Field Name: Contact Details.admin_firstname
  • Type: String
Customer Admin Last Name Last name of the customer administrator
  • Field Name: Contact Details.admin_lastname
  • Type: String
Customer Admin Email * Email of the customer administrator
  • Field Name: Contact Details.admin_email
  • Type: String
Customer Admin Telephone Number Telephone number of the customer administrator
  • Field Name: Contact Details.admin_telephone_number
  • Type: String
Dial Plan Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Dial Plan
  • Type: Object
Integrate Dial Plan Default: false
  • Field Name: Dial Plan.integrateDialPlan
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
Customer Dial Plan Model
  • Field Name: Dial Plan.dpCustModel
  • Type: String
Global Dial Plan Data
  • Field Name: cdialplandata.[n]
  • Type: Array
Custom Customer ID
  • Field Name: Dial Plan.cdialplandata.[n].custCustID
  • Type: String
Emergency Call Back Number
  • Field Name: Dial Plan.cdialplandata.[n].ceNum
  • Type: String
Primary SIP Trunk Destination IP
  • Field Name: Dial Plan.cdialplandata.[n].csipdestprim
  • Type: String
Primary SIP Trunk Destination Port
  • Field Name: Dial Plan.cdialplandata.[n].csipdestprimport
  • Type: String
Secondary SIP Trunk Destination IP
  • Field Name: Dial Plan.cdialplandata.[n].csipdestsec
  • Type: String
Secondary SIP Trunk Destination Port
  • Field Name: Dial Plan.cdialplandata.[n].csipdestsecport
  • Type: String
Site Dial Plan Model
  • Field Name: Dial Plan.dpSiteModel
  • Type: String
Sites Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Sites
  • Type: Object
Sites List of Customer sites
  • Field Name: sites.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: Sites.sites.[n].name
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{1,60}$
Site ID Unique identifier for this Site
  • Field Name: Sites.sites.[n].site_id
  • Type: String
Address 1 Address 1
  • Field Name: Sites.sites.[n].address1
  • Type: String
Address 2 Address 2
  • Field Name: Sites.sites.[n].address2
  • Type: String
City City
  • Field Name: Sites.sites.[n].city
  • Type: String
State or Province State or Province
  • Field Name: Sites.sites.[n].state
  • Type: String
Postal Code Postal Code
  • Field Name: Sites.sites.[n].postal_code
  • Type: String
Country Site country
  • Field Name: Sites.sites.[n].country
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/Countries
  • Target attr: country_name
  • Format: uri
Site Internal Number Inventory Start Site Internal Number Inventory Start
  • Field Name: Sites.sites.[n].iniStart
  • Type: String
Site Internal Number Inventory End Site Internal Number Inventory End
  • Field Name: Sites.sites.[n].iniEnd
  • Type: String
Site Dial Plan Data
  • Field Name: dialPlanData.[n]
  • Type: Array
Custom Site ID
  • Field Name: Sites.sites.[n].dialPlanData.[n].scustID
  • Type: String
External Breakout Number
  • Field Name: Sites.sites.[n].dialPlanData.[n].seBO
  • Type: String
Published Number
  • Field Name: Sites.sites.[n].dialPlanData.[n].spNum
  • Type: String
Emergency Call Back Number
  • Field Name: Sites.sites.[n].dialPlanData.[n].seNum
  • Type: String
Voicemail Integration Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Voicemail Integration
  • Type: Object
Integrate Voicemail for Tenant Default: false
  • Field Name: Voicemail Integration.IntegrateVM
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
Dial Plan Profile
  • Field Name: Voicemail Integration.vm-DPProfile
  • Type: String
Call Manager Group
  • Field Name: Voicemail Integration.vm-cucmCMG
  • Type: String
Call Manager Username Authentication for sip trunk establish
  • Field Name: Voicemail Integration.vm-cucmUsername
  • Type: String
Call Manager Password
  • Field Name: Voicemail Integration.vm-cucmPass
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
Voicemail Pilot Number
  • Field Name: Voicemail Integration.vm-Pilot
  • Type: String
Unity Port Count (Per Server) Total available ports configured per server. Not total number.
  • Field Name: Voicemail Integration.vm-unityPorts
  • Type: String
Voice Mail Box Mask
  • Field Name: Voicemail Integration.vm-Mask
  • Type: String
Call Manager Destination from Unity Primary The trunk from unity to Call Manager Destination
  • Field Name: Voicemail Integration.vm-unityTrunkDestP
  • Type: String
Call Manager Destination from Unity Secondary
  • Field Name: Voicemail Integration.vm-unityTrunkDestS
  • Type: String