
Model: device/exchangeonline/RecipientPermission

Model Details: device/exchangeonline/RecipientPermission

Title Description Details
InheritanceType *
  • Field Name: InheritanceType
  • Type: String
AccessControlType *
  • Field Name: AccessControlType
  • Type: String
IsValid *
  • Field Name: IsValid
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: PSComputerName
  • Type: String
AccessRights The AccessRights parameter specifies the permission. Valid input for this parameter is SendAs.
  • Field Name: AccessRights.[n]
  • Type: Array
ObjectState *
  • Field Name: ObjectState
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: RunspaceId
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: PSShowComputerName
  • Type: Boolean
IsInherited *
  • Field Name: IsInherited
  • Type: Boolean
Identity * The Identity parameter specifies the target recipient. The user or group specified by the Trustee parameter can operate on this recipient. You can specify any type of recipient, for example: Mailboxes Mail users External contacts Distribution groups Dynamic distribution groups You can use any value that uniquely identifies the recipient. For example: Name Display name Alias Distinguished name (DN) Canonical DN Email address GUID
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String
Trustee * The Trustee parameter specifies the user or group to whom you're granting the permission. This allows the user or group to operate on the recipient specified by the Identity parameter. You can specify the following types of users or groups: Mailbox users Mail users with a Microsoft account (formerly known as a Windows Live ID) Security groups You can use any value that uniquely identifies the user or group. For example: Name Display name Alias Distinguished name (DN) Canonical DN <domain name>\<account name> Email address GUID LegacyExchangeDN SamAccountName User ID or user principal name (UPN)
  • Field Name: Trustee
  • Type: String