
Model: data/View

View instances allow data entry based on a schema, but not necessarily with persistence, i.e. just a form.

Model Details: data/View

Title Description Details
Name *
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Documentation Used for generating reference documentation for the model.
  • Field Name: doc
  • Type: String
Attribute Properties
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
Name *
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].name
  • Type: String
Friendly Name What to show as the name of the form field.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].title
  • Type: String
Description Provides a full description of the of purpose the instance property.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].description
  • Type: String
Data Type *
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Array", "Boolean", "Integer", "Null", "Number", "Object", "String", "Anything"]
Minimum Number of Values Defines the minimum number of values in an array when the array is the instance value.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].minItems
  • Type: Integer
Maximum Number of Values Defines the maximum number of values in an array when the array is the instance value.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].maxItems
  • Type: Integer
Minimum Length When the instance value is a string, this defines the minimum length of the string.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].minLength
  • Type: Integer
Maximum Length When the instance value is a string, this defines the maximum length of the string.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].maxLength
  • Type: Integer
Minimum Defines the minimum value of the instance property when the type of the instance value is a number.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].minimum
  • Type: Number
Maximum Defines the maximum value of the instance property when the type of the instance value is a number.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].maximum
  • Type: Number
Version Defines the version of the instance for use by the packaging system.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].version
  • Type: String
String Format
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].format
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["", "Date (\"YYYY-MM-DD\")", "Date-timestamp (\"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ\" in UTC)", "Time (\"hh:mm:ss\")", "Milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00", "Phone number", "URI", "E-mail address", "IP version 4 address", "IP version 6 address", "Host name", "Regular expression", "Link"]
Is Password? Is the string field a password?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].is_password
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Password Confirmation Disable confirmation field for password?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].disable_confirmation
  • Type: Boolean
Store Encrypted? Should the field be stored encrypted?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].store_encrypted
  • Type: Boolean
Is Mandatory?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].required
  • Type: Boolean
Is Read-Only? If a field is marked as read-only it cannot be changed once added.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].readonly
  • Type: Boolean
Is Displayable? Marks whether the content of this field would be visible and therefore marked for translation.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].displayable
  • Type: Boolean
Target If Format is "URI", what is the entity type of the foreign key?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].target
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Target Field If Format is "URI", what is the field name of the referenced resource?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].target_attr
  • Type: String
  • Choices: []
Items If Format is "Array", what are the properties of the items?
  • Field Name: items
  • Type: Object
Data Type
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Array", "Boolean", "Integer", "Null", "Number", "Object", "String", "Anything"]
Attribute Properties
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
Name *
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].name
  • Type: String
Friendly Name What to show as the name of the form field.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].title
  • Type: String
Description Provides a full description of the of purpose the instance property.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].description
  • Type: String
Data Type *
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Array", "Boolean", "Integer", "Null", "Number", "Object", "String", "Anything"]
Minimum Number of Values Defines the minimum number of values in an array when the array is the instance value.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].minItems
  • Type: Integer
Maximum Number of Values Defines the maximum number of values in an array when the array is the instance value.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].maxItems
  • Type: Integer
Minimum Length When the instance value is a string, this defines the minimum length of the string.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].minLength
  • Type: Integer
Maximum Length When the instance value is a string, this defines the maximum length of the string.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].maxLength
  • Type: Integer
Minimum Defines the minimum value of the instance property when the type of the instance value is a number.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].minimum
  • Type: Number
Maximum Defines the maximum value of the instance property when the type of the instance value is a number.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].maximum
  • Type: Number
Version Defines the version of the instance for use by the packaging system.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].version
  • Type: String
String Format
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].format
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["", "Date (\"YYYY-MM-DD\")", "Date-timestamp (\"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ\" in UTC)", "Time (\"hh:mm:ss\")", "Milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00", "Phone number", "URI", "E-mail address", "IP version 4 address", "IP version 6 address", "Host name", "Regular expression", "Link"]
Is Password? Is the string field a password?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].is_password
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Password Confirmation Disable confirmation field for password?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].disable_confirmation
  • Type: Boolean
Store Encrypted? Should the field be stored encrypted?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].store_encrypted
  • Type: Boolean
Is Mandatory?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].required
  • Type: Boolean
Is Read-Only? If a field is marked as read-only it cannot be changed once added.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].readonly
  • Type: Boolean
Is Displayable? Marks whether the content of this field would be visible and therefore marked for translation.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].displayable
  • Type: Boolean
Target If Format is "URI", what is the entity type of the foreign key?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].target
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Target Field If Format is "URI", what is the field name of the referenced resource?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].target_attr
  • Type: String
  • Choices: []
Items If Format is "Array", what are the properties of the items?
  • Field Name: items
  • Type: Object
Data Type
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Array", "Boolean", "Integer", "Null", "Number", "Object", "String", "Anything"]
Attribute Properties
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
Name *
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].name
  • Type: String
Friendly Name What to show as the name of the form field.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].title
  • Type: String
Description Provides a full description of the of purpose the instance property.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].description
  • Type: String
Data Type *
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Array", "Boolean", "Integer", "Null", "Number", "Object", "String", "Anything"]
Minimum Number of Values Defines the minimum number of values in an array when the array is the instance value.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].minItems
  • Type: Integer
Maximum Number of Values Defines the maximum number of values in an array when the array is the instance value.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].maxItems
  • Type: Integer
Minimum Length When the instance value is a string, this defines the minimum length of the string.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].minLength
  • Type: Integer
Maximum Length When the instance value is a string, this defines the maximum length of the string.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].maxLength
  • Type: Integer
Minimum Defines the minimum value of the instance property when the type of the instance value is a number.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].minimum
  • Type: Number
Maximum Defines the maximum value of the instance property when the type of the instance value is a number.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].maximum
  • Type: Number
Version Defines the version of the instance for use by the packaging system.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].version
  • Type: String
String Format
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].format
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["", "Date (\"YYYY-MM-DD\")", "Date-timestamp (\"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ\" in UTC)", "Time (\"hh:mm:ss\")", "Milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00", "Phone number", "URI", "E-mail address", "IP version 4 address", "IP version 6 address", "Host name", "Regular expression", "Link"]
Is Password? Is the string field a password?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].is_password
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Password Confirmation Disable confirmation field for password?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].disable_confirmation
  • Type: Boolean
Store Encrypted? Should the field be stored encrypted?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].store_encrypted
  • Type: Boolean
Is Mandatory?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].required
  • Type: Boolean
Is Read-Only? If a field is marked as read-only it cannot be changed once added.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].readonly
  • Type: Boolean
Is Displayable? Marks whether the content of this field would be visible and therefore marked for translation.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].displayable
  • Type: Boolean
Target If Format is "URI", what is the entity type of the foreign key?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].target
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Target Field If Format is "URI", what is the field name of the referenced resource?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].target_attr
  • Type: String
  • Choices: []
Items If Format is "Array", what are the properties of the items?
  • Field Name: items
  • Type: Object
Data Type
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Array", "Boolean", "Integer", "Null", "Number", "Object", "String", "Anything"]
Validation Regular Expression
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].pattern
  • Type: String
Default Value Default value for field. Accepts comma-separated values if field type is array.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].default
  • Type: Any
  • Field Name: choices.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].choices.[n].value
  • Type: ["String", "Integer"]
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].choices.[n].title
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: choices.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.choices.[n].value
  • Type: ["String", "Integer"]
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.choices.[n].title
  • Type: String
Validation Regular Expression
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].pattern
  • Type: String
Default Value Default value for field. Accepts comma-separated values if field type is array.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].default
  • Type: Any
  • Field Name: choices.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].choices.[n].value
  • Type: ["String", "Integer"]
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].choices.[n].title
  • Type: String
Attribute Properties
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
Name *
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].name
  • Type: String
Friendly Name What to show as the name of the form field.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].title
  • Type: String
Description Provides a full description of the of purpose the instance property.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].description
  • Type: String
Data Type *
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Array", "Boolean", "Integer", "Null", "Number", "Object", "String", "Anything"]
Minimum Number of Values Defines the minimum number of values in an array when the array is the instance value.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].minItems
  • Type: Integer
Maximum Number of Values Defines the maximum number of values in an array when the array is the instance value.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].maxItems
  • Type: Integer
Minimum Length When the instance value is a string, this defines the minimum length of the string.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].minLength
  • Type: Integer
Maximum Length When the instance value is a string, this defines the maximum length of the string.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].maxLength
  • Type: Integer
Minimum Defines the minimum value of the instance property when the type of the instance value is a number.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].minimum
  • Type: Number
Maximum Defines the maximum value of the instance property when the type of the instance value is a number.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].maximum
  • Type: Number
Version Defines the version of the instance for use by the packaging system.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].version
  • Type: String
String Format
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].format
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["", "Date (\"YYYY-MM-DD\")", "Date-timestamp (\"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ\" in UTC)", "Time (\"hh:mm:ss\")", "Milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00", "Phone number", "URI", "E-mail address", "IP version 4 address", "IP version 6 address", "Host name", "Regular expression", "Link"]
Is Password? Is the string field a password?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].is_password
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Password Confirmation Disable confirmation field for password?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].disable_confirmation
  • Type: Boolean
Store Encrypted? Should the field be stored encrypted?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].store_encrypted
  • Type: Boolean
Is Mandatory?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].required
  • Type: Boolean
Is Read-Only? If a field is marked as read-only it cannot be changed once added.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].readonly
  • Type: Boolean
Is Displayable? Marks whether the content of this field would be visible and therefore marked for translation.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].displayable
  • Type: Boolean
Target If Format is "URI", what is the entity type of the foreign key?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].target
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Target Field If Format is "URI", what is the field name of the referenced resource?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].target_attr
  • Type: String
  • Choices: []
Items If Format is "Array", what are the properties of the items?
  • Field Name: items
  • Type: Object
Data Type
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Array", "Boolean", "Integer", "Null", "Number", "Object", "String", "Anything"]
Validation Regular Expression
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].pattern
  • Type: String
Default Value Default value for field. Accepts comma-separated values if field type is array.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].default
  • Type: Any
  • Field Name: choices.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].choices.[n].value
  • Type: ["String", "Integer"]
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].choices.[n].title
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: choices.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.choices.[n].value
  • Type: ["String", "Integer"]
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].items.choices.[n].title
  • Type: String
Validation Regular Expression
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].pattern
  • Type: String
Default Value Default value for field. Accepts comma-separated values if field type is array.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].default
  • Type: Any
  • Field Name: choices.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].choices.[n].value
  • Type: ["String", "Integer"]
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].choices.[n].title
  • Type: String
Attribute Properties
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
Name *
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].name
  • Type: String
Friendly Name What to show as the name of the form field.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].title
  • Type: String
Description Provides a full description of the of purpose the instance property.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].description
  • Type: String
Data Type *
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Array", "Boolean", "Integer", "Null", "Number", "Object", "String", "Anything"]
Minimum Number of Values Defines the minimum number of values in an array when the array is the instance value.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].minItems
  • Type: Integer
Maximum Number of Values Defines the maximum number of values in an array when the array is the instance value.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].maxItems
  • Type: Integer
Minimum Length When the instance value is a string, this defines the minimum length of the string.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].minLength
  • Type: Integer
Maximum Length When the instance value is a string, this defines the maximum length of the string.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].maxLength
  • Type: Integer
Minimum Defines the minimum value of the instance property when the type of the instance value is a number.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].minimum
  • Type: Number
Maximum Defines the maximum value of the instance property when the type of the instance value is a number.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].maximum
  • Type: Number
Version Defines the version of the instance for use by the packaging system.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].version
  • Type: String
String Format
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].format
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["", "Date (\"YYYY-MM-DD\")", "Date-timestamp (\"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ\" in UTC)", "Time (\"hh:mm:ss\")", "Milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00", "Phone number", "URI", "E-mail address", "IP version 4 address", "IP version 6 address", "Host name", "Regular expression", "Link"]
Is Password? Is the string field a password?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].is_password
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Password Confirmation Disable confirmation field for password?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].disable_confirmation
  • Type: Boolean
Store Encrypted? Should the field be stored encrypted?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].store_encrypted
  • Type: Boolean
Is Mandatory?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].required
  • Type: Boolean
Is Read-Only? If a field is marked as read-only it cannot be changed once added.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].readonly
  • Type: Boolean
Is Displayable? Marks whether the content of this field would be visible and therefore marked for translation.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].displayable
  • Type: Boolean
Target If Format is "URI", what is the entity type of the foreign key?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].target
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Target Field If Format is "URI", what is the field name of the referenced resource?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].target_attr
  • Type: String
  • Choices: []
Items If Format is "Array", what are the properties of the items?
  • Field Name: items
  • Type: Object
Data Type
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Array", "Boolean", "Integer", "Null", "Number", "Object", "String", "Anything"]
Attribute Properties
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
Name *
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].name
  • Type: String
Friendly Name What to show as the name of the form field.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].title
  • Type: String
Description Provides a full description of the of purpose the instance property.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].description
  • Type: String
Data Type *
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Array", "Boolean", "Integer", "Null", "Number", "Object", "String", "Anything"]
Minimum Number of Values Defines the minimum number of values in an array when the array is the instance value.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].minItems
  • Type: Integer
Maximum Number of Values Defines the maximum number of values in an array when the array is the instance value.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].maxItems
  • Type: Integer
Minimum Length When the instance value is a string, this defines the minimum length of the string.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].minLength
  • Type: Integer
Maximum Length When the instance value is a string, this defines the maximum length of the string.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].maxLength
  • Type: Integer
Minimum Defines the minimum value of the instance property when the type of the instance value is a number.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].minimum
  • Type: Number
Maximum Defines the maximum value of the instance property when the type of the instance value is a number.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].maximum
  • Type: Number
Version Defines the version of the instance for use by the packaging system.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].version
  • Type: String
String Format
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].format
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["", "Date (\"YYYY-MM-DD\")", "Date-timestamp (\"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ\" in UTC)", "Time (\"hh:mm:ss\")", "Milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00", "Phone number", "URI", "E-mail address", "IP version 4 address", "IP version 6 address", "Host name", "Regular expression", "Link"]
Is Password? Is the string field a password?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].is_password
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Password Confirmation Disable confirmation field for password?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].disable_confirmation
  • Type: Boolean
Store Encrypted? Should the field be stored encrypted?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].store_encrypted
  • Type: Boolean
Is Mandatory?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].required
  • Type: Boolean
Is Read-Only? If a field is marked as read-only it cannot be changed once added.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].readonly
  • Type: Boolean
Is Displayable? Marks whether the content of this field would be visible and therefore marked for translation.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].displayable
  • Type: Boolean
Target If Format is "URI", what is the entity type of the foreign key?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].target
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Target Field If Format is "URI", what is the field name of the referenced resource?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].target_attr
  • Type: String
  • Choices: []
Items If Format is "Array", what are the properties of the items?
  • Field Name: items
  • Type: Object
Data Type
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].items.type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Array", "Boolean", "Integer", "Null", "Number", "Object", "String", "Anything"]
Validation Regular Expression
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].pattern
  • Type: String
Default Value Default value for field. Accepts comma-separated values if field type is array.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].default
  • Type: Any
  • Field Name: choices.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].choices.[n].value
  • Type: ["String", "Integer"]
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.attr_props.[n].choices.[n].title
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: choices.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.choices.[n].value
  • Type: ["String", "Integer"]
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.choices.[n].title
  • Type: String
Validation Regular Expression
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].pattern
  • Type: String
Default Value Default value for field. Accepts comma-separated values if field type is array.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].default
  • Type: Any
  • Field Name: choices.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].choices.[n].value
  • Type: ["String", "Integer"]
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].choices.[n].title
  • Type: String
Attribute Properties
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
Name *
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].name
  • Type: String
Friendly Name What to show as the name of the form field.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].title
  • Type: String
Description Provides a full description of the of purpose the instance property.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].description
  • Type: String
Data Type *
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Array", "Boolean", "Integer", "Null", "Number", "Object", "String", "Anything"]
Minimum Number of Values Defines the minimum number of values in an array when the array is the instance value.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].minItems
  • Type: Integer
Maximum Number of Values Defines the maximum number of values in an array when the array is the instance value.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].maxItems
  • Type: Integer
Minimum Length When the instance value is a string, this defines the minimum length of the string.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].minLength
  • Type: Integer
Maximum Length When the instance value is a string, this defines the maximum length of the string.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].maxLength
  • Type: Integer
Minimum Defines the minimum value of the instance property when the type of the instance value is a number.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].minimum
  • Type: Number
Maximum Defines the maximum value of the instance property when the type of the instance value is a number.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].maximum
  • Type: Number
Version Defines the version of the instance for use by the packaging system.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].version
  • Type: String
String Format
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].format
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["", "Date (\"YYYY-MM-DD\")", "Date-timestamp (\"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ\" in UTC)", "Time (\"hh:mm:ss\")", "Milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00", "Phone number", "URI", "E-mail address", "IP version 4 address", "IP version 6 address", "Host name", "Regular expression", "Link"]
Is Password? Is the string field a password?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].is_password
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Password Confirmation Disable confirmation field for password?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].disable_confirmation
  • Type: Boolean
Store Encrypted? Should the field be stored encrypted?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].store_encrypted
  • Type: Boolean
Is Mandatory?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].required
  • Type: Boolean
Is Read-Only? If a field is marked as read-only it cannot be changed once added.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].readonly
  • Type: Boolean
Is Displayable? Marks whether the content of this field would be visible and therefore marked for translation.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].displayable
  • Type: Boolean
Target If Format is "URI", what is the entity type of the foreign key?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].target
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Target Field If Format is "URI", what is the field name of the referenced resource?
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].target_attr
  • Type: String
  • Choices: []
Items If Format is "Array", what are the properties of the items?
  • Field Name: items
  • Type: Object
Data Type
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].items.type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Array", "Boolean", "Integer", "Null", "Number", "Object", "String", "Anything"]
Validation Regular Expression
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].pattern
  • Type: String
Default Value Default value for field. Accepts comma-separated values if field type is array.
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].default
  • Type: Any
  • Field Name: choices.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].choices.[n].value
  • Type: ["String", "Integer"]
  • Field Name: attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].attr_props.[n].choices.[n].title
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: workflows.[n]
  • Type: Array
Operation *
  • Field Name: workflows.[n].operation
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^[a-z]*$
Use a tool or workflow? * Default: workflow
  • Field Name: workflows.[n].tool_workflow
  • Type: String
  • Default: workflow
  • Choices: ["Tool", "Provisioning Workflow"]
  • Field Name: workflows.[n].tool
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: parameters.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
View attribute *
  • Field Name: workflows.[n].parameters.[n].view_attr
  • Type: String
Tool parameter *
  • Field Name: workflows.[n].parameters.[n].tool_param
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: workflows.[n].workflow
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/ProvisioningWorkflow
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
Workflow Model Types Map View attributes to Workflow model types' attributes.
  • Field Name: workflow_model_types.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
model_type *
  • Field Name: workflows.[n].workflow_model_types.[n].model_type
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: attributes.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
View attribute *
  • Field Name: workflows.[n].workflow_model_types.[n].attributes.[n].view_attr
  • Type: String
Model attribute *
  • Field Name: workflows.[n].workflow_model_types.[n].attributes.[n].model_attr
  • Type: String
Operation returns results?
  • Field Name: workflows.[n].return_results
  • Type: Boolean
Type of results
  • Field Name: workflows.[n].result_type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["List", "Object"]
  • Field Name: operations.[n]
  • Type: Array