
Model: data/SavedSearch

The parameters of a search in the system can be saved for re-use and reference. The available parameters correspond with the parameters of an Advanced Search.

Model Details: data/SavedSearch

Title Description Details
Name * Provide a name for the saved search parameters.
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Description The description of the saved search.
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
Load SavedSearch Enter the name of a saved search to load it. The search is carried out from within the saved search results.
  • Field Name: saved_search
  • Type: String
Search query The search query text. By default the case-insensitive text is the search query.
  • Field Name: query
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: searchuri
  • Type: String
Hierarchy A hierarchy from which to carry out the search.
  • Field Name: filter_hierarchy
  • Type: String
Hierarchy shallow traverse Only search for results in models themselves; not in any models that they may contain as resources.
  • Field Name: hierarchy_shallow
  • Type: Boolean
Filter on tags Used to enter a filter string of created search tags to search for.
  • Field Name: filter_tags
  • Type: String
Contains any of the tags (OR) Select if the Filter on tags string of search tags are to be separated by OR.
  • Field Name: tags_or
  • Type: Boolean
Limit returned results The maximum number of results to return.
  • Field Name: limit
  • Type: String
Return the count only Select if only the number of search results should be returned.
  • Field Name: count_only
  • Type: Boolean
Model type Select from the drop-down control the model type to which the search should be restricted. A selected model type is accompanied by a Model Field.
  • Field Name: filter_model_type
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Advanced options A set of options to carry out a more refined search.
  • Field Name: adv_options.[n]
  • Type: Array
Model field * The selected field of a model to search in if a Model Type is selected to restrict the search.
  • Field Name: adv_options.[n].model_field
  • Type: String
  • Choices: [""]
Condition A condition can be specified on the Filtered text regarding its status in search results. Available values are: Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends with, Equals, Not Equal.
  • Field Name: adv_options.[n].condition
  • Type: String
Filter text Search results can be filtered by additional text.
  • Field Name: adv_options.[n].filter_text
  • Type: String
Ignore case Select to carry out a case-insensitive search on the Filter text.
  • Field Name: adv_options.[n].ignore_case
  • Type: Boolean