Update a SIP Local Gateway

This procedure updates a SIP Local Gateway. You can also perform this task if you have updated the SIP Trunk associated with the SIP Local Gateway.

**Perform these steps**:

1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
2. Set the hierarchy path to the customer whose SIP Local Gateway you are updating.
3. Choose **Apps Managment > IOS > SIP Local Gateways**.
4. Click the SIP Local Gateway to update.
5. On the **SIP Local Gateways** screen you can update only the following fields:

   | Field                  | Description                               |
   | Name                   | Enter a name for the SIP Local Gateway.   |
   |                        | This field is mandatory.                  |
   | Description            | Enter a description for the SIP Local     |
   |                        | Gateway.                                  |
   | Enable Command Builder | Select this check box to have Command     |
   |                        | Builder generate commands when SIP Local  |
   |                        | Gateway is added, deleted, or modified.   |

   However, you can update the SIP Trunk in **Apps Management > CUCM > SIP Trunks**.

6. Click **Save**.

   * If you changed the SIP Local Gateway name, the Gateway Name for generated
     commands is updated in the IOS Commands log.
   * If the **Run on Every Node** check box is selected for SIP Trunk, the
     HcsUpdateSipLocalGw1EVT and HcsUpdateSipLocalGw1EVT events are generated.
     If the **Enable Command Builder** check box is selected, the IOS Command
     Builder generates the default IOS commands associated with the events.