Create a View

A View is a model type that is used to provide an input form.
A view instance does not store any data entered on its form on the system.
Attributes and operations (workflows or tools) on these attributes can be

Users with access to this model type for customization can
manage views.

#. Choose the hierarchy level for the model.
#. Open the Views list view.
#. Click **Add** on the button bar to open the Views input form.
#. Enter a Name for the Attribute.
#. Click **Add** adjacent to Attribute Properties to expand the selection.
#. Enter one or more attributes (click **Add** as required to create other
   instances for the same attribute) where:
   a. Name - Used as reference target.
   #. Friendly Name - Optionally an alternative field label.
   #. Description - Optionally a documentation description of the attribute
      that also shows as a tool tip and on the on-line help page.
   #. Data Type - Choose from the drop-down-list. The selection modifies the
      available attribute properties for Array and Object data types.
      For a String data type, a number of options are available:

      * Maximum Length.
      * Version.  
      * String Format - The selected String Format acts as an input filter 
        on the string data in the data model.
      * Is Password? - if the data type will be used to enter a password.
        In this case the value will be masked on forms. 
      * Is Mandatory? or Is Read-Only?.

        .. note::

           For fields that are marked read-only, these require an additional GUI
           Rule to provide this functionality. Since views are not designed
           to be updated, data in such fields would be for informational purposes.
      * Validation Regular Expression - that the string should meet. For
        example, "[a-z]{4}" without quotes specifies 4 characters in the range
        a to z in small case.
      * Default Value. 

      For example, the format "Date ("YYYY-MM-DD")" requires delimited
      numeric text input data in the specified format and input fails if
      the format does not meet the format). 

      If the selected String Format is URI, additional controls are available
      to select a data-, domain- or device model (Target) attribute
      (Target Field) to be accessible in the created data model as a drop-down
      list of the Target Field attributes available in the Target model.

      For data type: Anything, Boolean, Integer, Null, Number, choose if
      the attribute Is Mandatory? or Is Read-Only? or has a Default Value.
      For each required input control to be available on the form, add an
      **Attribute Properties** entry of the required **Data Type**.

#. Click **Add** adjacent to Choices and enter a Value and Title as required.
   Click **Add** to open up multiple instances if required.

#. Click **Add** adjacent to Workflows to expand the selection, and enter
   the required Operation and Workflow parameters. Click **Add** as
   required to open additional instances of the required values.

#. Click **Save** on the button bar when complete to save the created View.