.. _resetting_uc_passwords:

Resetting UC Passwords

1. Log in as the provider, customer or site administrator and navigate to the
   hierarchy at which the |Unified CM| is available.
#. Choose **Subscriber Management > Reset UC Passwords**.
#. Choose the username on |Unified CM| from the User drop-down list.
#. Check boxes will show for the selected user according to the associated devices.
   The devices can be:

   * Reset CUC
   * Reset WebEx
   * Reset CUCM
   * Reset Pexip

#. Select the check boxes for the devices on which the user's password or PIN
   needs to be changed.
   Note that a PIN can only be reset for CUCM, CUC or Pexip, not for WebEx or |VOSS-4-UC|,
   because these have no PIN functionality.

   Read the displayed Password or Pin notices and warnings. The messages show the
   conditions as to when passwords and PINs will be reset.

   Note that the content of these messages must be inspected as the check boxes
   are selected or or cleared, because the conditions change according to the status
   of the check boxes.

   If no check boxes are selected, then only the |VOSS-4-UC| password can be
   changed. If the user is an LDAP user on either |Unified CM| or |CUC|, then only
   the PIN for the device can be changed. 

#. Click **Save**.

.. |VOSS-4-UC| replace:: VOSS-4-UC
.. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM
.. |CUC| replace:: Cisco Unity Connection