.. _ms-configuration-setup: Microsoft Configuration Setup ------------------------------ .. _21.1|VOSS-847: VOSS-4-UC provides management and administration for Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Team's cloud assets. This document outlines the required authentication steps needed to configure a connection between a Microsoft 365 and Teams Tenant and VOSS-4-UC. You will need to be a Global Administrator of the Microsoft 365 and Teams Tenant to complete the following steps: Step 1: Register An Application Object (Access to Microsoft Azure AD) ..................................................................... The application objects describe the VOSS-4-UC application to Azure AD and can be considered the definition of the VOSS-4-UC application, allowing the Azure AD service to know how to issue tokens to the VOSS-4-UC application based on its settings. To register your application and add the app's registration information to your solution, follow these steps: .. note:: If you have access to multiple tenants, use the Directory + subscription filter in the top menu to select the tenant in which you want to register an application. #. Sign in to the Azure portal (``portal.azure.com``) using your administrator credentials. .. important:: Manage the Security defaults for the tenant as follows: * Set **Access management for Azure resources** to **No**. .. image:: /src/images/ms-config-manage-security-defaults.png * Set **Enable Security defaults** to **No**. .. image:: /src/images/ms-config-enable-security.png These settings are required since API access does not cater for 2-step authentication #. Search for and select **Azure Active Directory**. #. Under **Manage**, select **App registrations > New registration**. .. image:: /src/images/ms-config-new-reg.png #. Enter a Name for your application, for example ``VOSS4UC``. Users of your application might see this name, and you can change it later. #. Select **Accounts in this organization only** #. Ignore the **Redirect URI** section #. Select **Register**. #. Under **Manage**, select **Certificates & secrets**. .. image:: /src/images/ms-config-cert-secrets.png #. Under **Client secrets**, select **New client secret**, enter a name, and then select **Add**. The add actions opens the **Add a client secret** pane. Record the secret value in a safe location for use in a later step. The secret is used in the MS Connection configuration in VOSS-4-UC. .. important:: The secret value is *only* available when the secret is created and not later. If the value is not copied on time, a new secret will be required. .. image:: /src/images/ms-config-client-secret.png #. Under **Manage**, select **API Permissions > Add a permission**. Select **Microsoft Graph**. .. image:: /src/images/ms-config-ms-graph-permissions.png #. Select **Application permissions**. #. Select **Grant Admin Consent** to allow ``User.Read.All`` #. Under **User node**, select: * ``User.Read.All`` * ``Directory.Read.All`` #. Select **Add permissions** Step 2: Create a Service Account (Access to Microsoft Teams) ............................................................. #. Sign in to the Azure portal (``portal.azure.com``) #. On the Admin home page, go to **Users > Active users** and  click on button **Add a user** #. Enter a **Display Name** #. Enter a **User Name** #. Ensure that the domain is the ``company.onmicrosoft.com`` one #. Select **Let me create a password** and enter a strong one #. Ensure **Require this user to change their password when they first sign in** is *not* ticked #. Once the user is created, assign the **Global Administrator** role from the **Assigned Roles** menu option. .. important:: Take note of the Username and Password - it will be needed to configure the VOSS-4-UC connection. Step 3: Configure the MS Connection in V4UC ............................................ The Microsoft 365 information required to set up a MS Tenant app in VOSS-4-UC is found as follows: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|p{12cm}| +-----------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Source | +===========+=====================================================+ | Client ID | **Overview > Essentials > Application (client) ID** | +-----------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Tenant ID | **Overview > Essentials > Directory (tenant) ID** | +-----------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Secret | The secret value is shown during the | | | app registration only once, and | | | should be recorded at that point. | +-----------+-----------------------------------------------------+ .. image:: /src/images/MS365-info.png Use this information to set up a MS Tenant app in VOSS-4-UC. For steps to do this, see: :ref:`tasks-configure-ms-tenant`