.. _tasks-configure-ms-tenant:

.. rst-class:: chapter-with-expand

Configure Microsoft Tenant on VOSS-4-UC 

.. _21.1|VOSS-847:

This procedure adds a Microsoft tenant at a customer hierarchy, for Microsoft 0365 and Microsoft Teams.

.. note:: 

   You will need to add a Microsoft tenant at each customer hierarchy. 


* Configure Microsoft for integration with VOSS-4-UC. See :ref:`concepts-ms-configuration`
* :ref:`ms-configuration-setup`
* Create customers for the hierarchy setup. 
* Enable Microsoft in the VOSS-4-UC Admin Portal :ref:`global-settings` (Enabled Services tab).
* Configure role-based access controls: create admin users, create menu layouts, create user roles (and assign 
  the menu layouts to the user roles)
* Configure the :ref:`SMTP-server` (if required)

**Perform these steps**:

1. Log in to the Admin portal as provider level admin (or higher). 

#. Go to (default menu) **Apps Management > Microsoft Tenant**. 

#. Click the Plus icon (+) to add a tenant.
#. On the organization level picker, choose the customer where you're adding the tenant. 
#. Configure the **Tenant** name and description. See: :ref:`ms-configuration-setup`. 
#. Configure the **Microsoft Teams PowerShell** proxy host service account credentials:
   .. note:: 

      For the Windows PowerShell proxy host setup, see the *Microsoft Windows PowerShell Proxy Server Installation and Upgrade Guide*. 

   ============== =====================================================================
   **Host**       The Windows PowerShell host service account name, either a host name 
                  or IP address.   
   **Username**   The Windows PowerShell host service account username. 
   **Password**   The Windows PowerShell host service account password. 
   ============== =====================================================================

#. Configure the **Microsoft Teams HTTP Proxy**, which serves as an intermediary between 
   VOSS-4-UC and Microsoft Teams:  

   =================================== ==========================================================
   **Use HTTP Proxy**                  Defines whether to use the internet (HTTP) proxy, if 
                                       one is set up between the Windows PowerShell and the 
                                       Microsoft Cloud.

   **Use HTTP Proxy Authentication**   Defines whether the HTTP proxy server requires  
                                       credentials. When set to *True*, Username and Password  
                                       are mandatory.

   **Username**                        Windows PowerShell proxy username required for the HTTP 
                                       proxy server. Mandatory when **Use HTTP Proxy 
                                       Authentication** is set to *True*.

   **Password**                        Windows PowerShell proxy password for the HTTP proxy 
                                       server. Mandatory when **Use HTTP Proxy 
                                       Authentication** is set to *True*.
   =================================== ==========================================================

#. In **Microsoft Teams**, configure credentials for the VOSS-4-UC admin account used to access 
   Microsoft Teams. See :ref:`ms-configuration-setup`.

#. In **Microsoft 0365**, configure application credentials assigned by Azure: 

   =============== ======================================================================
   **Client ID**   The client ID (application ID) assigned by the Azure 
                   application registration portal. See: :ref:`ms-configuration-setup`.
   **Tenant ID**   Enter your unique Microsoft 365 tenant globally unique ID (GUID). See 

   **Secret**      Enter your secret passphrase (Microsoft Graph API secret 
                   authentication, either a client ID password or public/private 
                   key pair certificate, used to access Microsoft Cloud service 
                   resources). See: :ref:`ms-configuration-setup`.
   =============== ======================================================================

#. Click **Save**. The customer tenant is created. 

#. Click the **Sync All** toolbar icon. A full pull sync is triggered from the Microsoft Cloud to 
   import Microsoft users, tenant dial plan, licenses, and policies to the 
   customer level. Wait for all data to sync in. Go to Next Steps. 

Next Steps

1. Configure the customer-wide site defaults doc (SDD), ``CUSTOMER_TEMPLATE``. See :ref:`site-defaults-doc-templates`.
2. Add network device lists (NDLs) with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams tenant details. NDLs are 
   required when adding sites. See :ref:`configure_network_device_list`.
3. Create sites. 
4. Run the overbuild. See: :ref:`overbuild-msft`. 
5. Go to :ref:`VOSS-4-UC-configuration-and-sync-for-microsoft`

Related Topics

  .. raw:: latex

     Microsoft Overview in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="concepts-microsoft-overview.html">Microsoft Overview</a> 

  .. raw:: latex

     Network Device Lists (NDL) in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="concepts-network-device-list.html">Network Device Lists (NDL)</a>