.. _clientshape-destination: Set Up the VOSS Cloud Licensing Service ---------------------------------------- .. _21.1|VOSS-677: VOSS-4-UC provides options to set up your VOSS Cloud Licensing service. The system registers your VOSS Cloud Licensing Service when saving the form. **Prerequisite** * Obtain your **Account ID** from the **Company Information** page on the **VOSS Cloud Licensing Service**. **To add and activate the license**: 1. Log in to the Admin Portal as a high-level administrator (system admin or above). #. Go to **Administration > Licensing > VOSS Cloud Licensing Service**. #. Enter the account ID in the **Organization ID** field. #. Provide a description in the **Customer account information** field to identify the VOSS-4-UC installation type. #. Choose your **Installation Type**: Lab or Production #. Choose your **File format** types. The default is ``Anonymous ZIP``, which includes a checksum hash. .. raw:: latex Also refer to the Data Export Types section in the Licensing and Subscriber Data Export Guide. .. raw:: html Also refer to <a href="index-license-feature.html#data-export-types">Data Export Types</a>. #. Choose whether to enable **File Upload Active**. #. If a web proxy is required, ensure that it is set up on the **Web proxy** menu and choose it from the drop down. For web proxy setup, see :ref:`licensing-web-proxy`. #. Click **Save**. .. note:: * The save operation will fail if no internet connection can be established to the VOSS Cloud Licensing Service. * Once the configuration is saved, the connection to the VOSS Cloud Licensing Service can be tested through the **Test Connection** actions on the form when investigating failures to upload license data files. * In the unlikely event that it is required to change the **Organization ID** associated with the platform, it is possible to modify the instance, which will attempt to re-register the platform with the VOSS Cloud Licensing Service. A failure will rollback the configuration to the previous state.