.. _add_hunt_group:

.. rst-class:: chapter-with-expand

Add a Hunt Group

.. _18.1-Patch-Bundle-3|EKB-796:
.. _19.3.4-PB4|EKB-5139:

Use this procedure to add a hunt group in VOSS-4-UC and Cisco Unified Call Manager

1. Log in as site administrator or higher.
#. Browse to the hierarchy level (if necessary) to which you want to add the hunt
#. Click **Subscriber Management > Hunt Groups**. The **Hunt Groups** list is
#. Click **Add**.
#. Complete, at minimum, the required fields on each tab (see below).
#. Click **Save** 

Hunt Pilot

A hunt pilot comprises a string of digits (an address) and a set of associated
digit manipulations that route calls to a hunt list. Hunt pilots provide
flexibility in network design. They work in conjunction with route filters and
hunt lists to direct calls to specific devices and to include, exclude, or modify
specific digit patterns.

* **Hunt Pilot Pattern** - Enter, or select from the drop-down list, the hunt pilot
  pattern, including numbers and wildcards (do not use spaces); for example, for
  NANP, enter 9.@ for typical local access, or 8XXX for a typical private network
  numbering plan. Valid characters include the uppercase characters A, B, C, and
  D and \+, which represents the international escape character +. Make sure that
  the directory hunt pilot, which uses the chosen partition, route filter, and
  numbering plan combination, is unique.
* **Route Partition** - If you want to use a partition to restrict access to the
  hunt pilot, choose the desired partition from the drop-down list. If you do not
  want to restrict access to the hunt pilot, do not choose a partition, i.e leave
  the field blank.  
* **Numbering Plan** - Choose from the drop-down list.  
* **Route Filter** - If your hunt pilot includes the '@' wildcard, you may choose
  a route filter from the drop-down list. The optional act of choosing a route filter
  restricts certain number patterns. The route filters that display depend on the
  numbering plan that you choose from the Numbering Plan drop-down list.
* **Hunt List** - The hunt list name must be configured first on the **Hunt List**
  tab in order for it to appear on this tab. See **Hunt List** below for details.  
* **Call Pickup Group** - Choose the number that can be dialed to answer calls to
  this directory number (in the specified partition). 
* **Alerting Name** - Enter an alerting name for the hunt pilot in UNICODE format.
  This name gets displayed on phones that the hunt pilot dials when it receives
  an incoming call, along with calling party information. The phone users can use
  this information to answer the call accordingly. This name also gets displayed
  on the calling phone.
  If you do not enter a name, the hunt pilot DN displays on the phones.
* **Provide Outside Dial Plan** - Select this check box for each hunt pilot that
  routes the call off the local network and provides outside dial tone to the
  calling device. Leave the check box clear if you want to route the call in the
* **Maximum Hunt Timer** - Specifies the maximum time for hunting without queueing.
  **Do not specify the same value** for the **Maximum Hunt Timer** field and the
  **RNA Reversion Timeout** field on the associated line group.
* Enter/complete the required fields under the **Forward Hunt No Answer**, **Forward
  Hunt Busy**, **Queueing** and **Park Monitoring** areas of the page:
  * The **Forward Hunt No Answer Action** and **Forward Hunt Busy Action** drop down
    lists offer respective Hunt Call treatment settings.
    An option is available not to forward hunt calls, but if the selected option is to
    specify the calling search space and destination,
    the respective CSS and Destination input boxes are enabled to allow for data input. 
    **CFNA Destination** and **CFB Destination** indicate the directory number to which calls
    are forwarded.  **CSS CFNA** and **CSS CFB** apply to all devices that are using
    this directory number. Drop-down displays all the CSSs in the system.
    Default = Default line CSS of the site.

    When the drop down option **Use Forward Settings of Device that Forwarded to Hunt Pilot** is
    selected, the call forward settings of the line group member are used.

  * If under the **Queueing** group you select the **Queue Calls** check box, the
    Forward Hunt Groups are disabled. Fields are enabled for input and mandatory
    fields take default values:

    * **Maximum Number of Callers Allowed in Queue**: 32
    * **Maximum Wait Time in Queue**: 900

Hunt List

A Hunt List lists a set of Line groups in a specific order. A hunt list then
associates with one or more hunt pilots and determines the order in which those
line groups are accessed. The order controls the progress of the search for
available directory numbers for incoming calls. A hunt list comprises a collection
of directory numbers as defined by line groups.

.. note:	

   The Group Call Pickup feature and Directed Call Pickup feature do not work with
   hunt lists.

A hunt list can contain only line groups. Each hunt list should have at least one
line group. Each line group includes at least one directory number. A single line
group can appear in multiple hunt lists.

* **Name** - The name can comprise up to 50 alphanumeric characters and can contain
  any combination of spaces, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_).
  Make sure each hunt list name is unique to the route plan.
  Best practice is to use concise and descriptive names for your hunt lists. The
  CompanynameLocationCalltype format provides enough detail and is short enough
  so you can easily identify a hunt list.  
* **Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group** - Choose a CUCM group from the
  drop-down list. The hunt list registers to the first node in the CUCM group.
  If you choose a CUCM group that has only one node that is configured, you receive
  a warning. To avoid this issue, choose a group that is configured with more than
  one node.
* **Enable this Hunt List** - Select this check box to enable your hunt list
  immediately when you click **Save**. No system reset is required.
* **For Voice Mail Usage** - If this hunt list is to be used for voicemail, select
  this check box. If you select this check box, the route list control process
  keeps a count of the setups that are being served to the hunt list, and will not
  allow more setups than the number of available devices. As a result, each device
  in the hunt list is treated as if it has a Busy Trigger and related Maximum Number
  of Calls of one.

Line Groups

A line group allows you to designate the order in which directory numbers are chosen.
CUCM distributes a call to idle or available members of a line group based on a
call distribution algorithm and on the Ring No Answer (RNA) Reversion Timeout

.. note::

   Although you can configure an empty line group with no members (directory numbers),
   CUCM does not support this configuration for routing calls. If the line group
   contains no members, the hunt list stops hunting when the call gets routed to
   the empty line group. To avoid this, make sure that you configure at least one
   member in the line group.
   You must define one or more directory number before configuring a line group.
   After you configure or update a line group, you can add or remove members from
   that line group.

* **Line Group Name** - This field is a drop-down list, which allows you to choose
  an existing line group. The drop-down list displays all existing line groups
  available at the site.
  This field can also be used as a free text field. To create a new line group,
  enter a name in this field. 
  The name can comprise up to 50 alphanumeric characters and can contain any
  combination of spaces, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_).
  Make sure that each line group name is unique to the route plan.

  Best practice is to use concise and descriptive names for your line groups. The
  CompanynameLocationGroup format usually provides a sufficient level of detail
  and is short enough to enable you to quickly and easily identify a line group.

* **RNA Reversion Timeout** - Enter a time, in seconds, after which CUCM will
  distribute a call to the next available or idle member of this line group or to
  the next line group if the call is not answered and if the first hunt option,
  Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List, is chosen. The RNA Reversion
  Timeout applies at the line-group level to all members.
* **Hunt Options No Answer** - Choose a hunt option for CUCM to use if a call is
  distributed to a member of a line group that does not answer. This option gets
  applied at the member level. Choose from the options in the drop-down list.
* **Automatically Logout Hunt Member on No Answer** - If this check box is selected,
  line members will be logged off the hunt list automatically. Line members can log
  back in using the "HLOG" softkey or PLK.
* **Hunt Options Busy** - Choose a hunt option for CUCM to use if a call is
  distributed to a member of a line group that is busy. Choose from the options
  in the drop-down list.
* **Hunt Options Not Available** - Choose a hunt option for CUCM to use if a call
  is distributed to a member of a line group that is not available. The Not Available
  condition occurs when none of the phones that are associated with the DN in
  question is registered. Not Available also occurs when extension mobility is in
  use and the DN/user is not logged in. Choose from the options in the drop-down
* **Member** - Configure Line Group Members as required by choosing a **Directory
  Number** and **Partition** from the drop-down list.