.. _add-edit-field-display-policy: Add or Edit a Field Display Policy ---------------------------------- This procedure adds and edits a field display policy (FDP). .. note:: To modify the default form available for an item, a field display policy can be added to Data models, Relations, and Views. **Perform the following steps**: #. Login as provider administrator or higher. #. Choose the relevant hierarchy. #. Choose **Customizations > Field Display Policies** to view existing field display policies. #. To edit an existing field display policy, click on the relevant field display policy and update the configuration, as required. #. To add a new field display policy, click **Add** on the toolbar, and configure the following: a. In the **Name** field, enter a name for the new field display policy. * If the name is ``default``, the field display policy is applied to the target model type by default. * Each field display policy at the same hierarchy level must have a unique name. Field display policies at different hierarchies can share the same name. #. Optionally, enter a description. #. At **Target Model Type**, choose a model reference. The target model type defines the fields available for use in the field display policy. #. At **Groups**, click the plus icon (+), then configure the following: All fields in the field display policy must belong to a group. ===================== =============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== **Component** **Description** Title Mandatory. Enter the label text to display for the attribute on the new tab. If a group displays as a tab in the Admin Portal, the value defined for **Title** displays as the title of the tab. Display as Fieldset Select this check box to display the group header and fields as a fieldset on the same page in the Admin Portal (not on a separate tab). Alternatively, if two or more groups have this checkbox enabled, the group title displays on a tab called **Base**. Number of Columns Enter a numeric value to define the number of columns. The default is a single column. Fields in the **Selected** transfer box display in these columns. Fields Choose fields to add. Select fields from the **Available** box and add them to the **Selected** box. The target model type you choose defines the available fields. Use the **Move Up**/**Move Down** buttons to adjust the position of any field. ===================== =============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== #. At **Field Overrides**, click the plus icon (+), then configure the following: This step configures fields added to the **Selected** transfer box. =============== ====================================================================================================================================================================================================== **Component** **Description** Field Select the field. Title Define the label text. If the field display policy is called ``default`` at a hierarchy, the list view columm header also displays this title if the field belongs to the list of summary attributes. Help Text Enter the text to display as the field online help and form tooltip. Alternatively, leave the field blank to use the model attribute description. Disabled Select this check box to display the field as disabled (unavailable). Input Type Select an option to choose how the input field displays. =============== ====================================================================================================================================================================================================== #. Click **Save**. If you're editing an existing field display policy, your changes are saved. If you're adding a new field display policy, the policy is created and is available for applying to the item by selecting it in a menu layout available to a role. **See Also**: * .. raw:: latex Field Display Policies in the Provider Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html <a href="concepts-field-display-policies.html">Field Display Policies</a> * .. raw:: latex Rules When Creating a Field Display Policy in the Provider Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html <a href="reference-field-display-policy-create-rules.html">Rules When Creating a Field Display Policy</a> * .. raw:: latex Field Display Policy Input Reference in the Advanced Configuration Guide .. raw:: html <a href="reference-field-display-policy-input-type.html">Field Display Policy Input Reference</a> .. |UCS| replace:: UCS .. |VOSS-4-UC| replace:: VOSS-4-UC .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM