.. _synchronize_or_purge_ldap_users:

Synchronize or Purge LDAP Users

This procedure synchronizes or deletes (purges) users that were synchronized from an LDAP server.

1. Set the hierarchy path to the hierarchy node where the LDAP server is.
2. Go to (default menu) **User Management > Sync & Purge > LDAP Users**.
3. Complete the following fields:

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|p{12cm}|

| Field                | Description                                 |
|                      | Select the check box if you want to remove  |
| Remove Log Messages  | user management logs before synchronizing or|
|                      | purging.                                    |
|                      | Choose **Local** to remove logs at the      |
|                      | hierarchy of the LDAP server. Choose        |
| Remove Log Direction | **Down** to remove logs at and below the    |
|                      | hierarchy of the LDAP server. This field    |
|                      | appears only if the **Remove Log Messages** |
|                      | check box is selected.                      |
| LDAP Server *        | Choose the Organization Unit of the LDAP    |
|                      | Server from which you need to sync or purge |
|                      | the users. This is mandatory field.         |
| LDAP Action *        | Choose synchronize or purge. This field is  |
|                      | mandatory.                                  |

4. Click **Save** to start the action you selected.