What's New

Provider Core Feature Guide: Release 20.1.1

* EKB-4053: UserOPS Workflows in QuickAddSubscriber and relationSubscriberPhone results in CUCM Purge of existing Phones. See: :ref:`global-settings`
* EKB-4170: Make dashboard counters part of the Landing Page config. See: :ref:`reference-landing-pages-fields`
* EKB-4471: Extension dropdown when adding Voicemail should not show numbers which are already configured for Voicemail. See: :ref:`add_subscribers`
* EKB-4663: List View selections are not clearing beyond export/transactions. See: :ref:`selecting_items`
* EKB-4666: Implement list operation to refresh status and IP address for a list of phones. See: :ref:`configure_phones`
* EKB-4777: Add ex-directory capability to phone services directory. See: :ref:`phone-services-feature-setup`
* EKB-5576: Update Rule Model Hierarchy Type for E164 to DN Association to allow execution at Site level only. See: :ref:`manage-ranges-of-dns`
* EKB-5576: Update Rule Model Hierarchy Type for E164 to DN Association to allow execution at Site level only. See: :ref:`manage-single-DNs`
* EKB-5747: Provide control over fields and format of corporate directory display. See: :ref:`phone-services-feature-setup`
* EKB-6059: Productize Manage AD LDAP Users Adaptation. See: :ref:`set_up_an_ldap_server`
* EKB-6059: Productize Manage AD LDAP Users Adaptation. See: :ref:`create_a_user`
* EKB-6059: Productize Manage AD LDAP Users Adaptation. See: :ref:`update-a-user`
* EKB-6758: Move Subscriber - Allow Provider Lvl Subscribers to be moved. See: :ref:`move-subscriber`
* EKB-6817: Number Inventory Usage tab breaks if multiple Hunt Groups are added with the same DN. See: :ref:`concepts-number-status-usage`
* EKB-6817: Number Inventory Usage tab breaks if multiple Hunt Groups are added with the same DN. See: :ref:`line_search`
* EKB-7156: Move Subscriber - Phone Type title to Phone Profile. See: :ref:`move-subscriber`
* EKB-7163: Move Subscriber - Add ability to select Feature Template once the Phone Config or Line Config Profile has been selected. See: :ref:`move-subscriber`
* VOSS-483: Productize Analogue Gateway Adaptation. See: :ref:`p_set_up_an_analog_gateway`
* VOSS-483: Productize Analogue Gateway Adaptation. See: :ref:`add-port-to-analog-gateway`
* VOSS-483: Productize Analogue Gateway Adaptation. See: :ref:`overbuild-analog-gateway`
* VOSS-519: Improve LBO Gateway Management. See: :ref:`quick-add-sip-gateway`
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul (EKB-7380: Auth update: LDAP and SSO server schema changes) . See:  :ref:`set_up_an_ldap_server` 
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul. See: :ref:`set_up_ldap_for_user_synchronization`
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul (EKB-4393: Create and share impact assessment document with customers) . See:  :ref:`user_management_overview` 
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul (EKB-4798: Define and Update new data/User Schema) . See:  :ref:`view_users` 
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul (EKB-7522: Sync type: Update User schema to include sync type) . See:  :ref:`view_users` 
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul. See: :ref:`create_a_user`
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul. See: :ref:`update-a-user`
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul (EKB-4383: Update default RBAC (FDPs, CFTs, MLs, APs) to remove deprecated models) . See:  :ref:`check_user_provisioning_status` 
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul (EKB-7380: Auth update: LDAP and SSO server schema changes) . See:  :ref:`user-authentication-methods` 
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul. See: :ref:`user-login-auth-method-srv-auth-scope`
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul. See: :ref:`user-management-scenarios`
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul. See: :ref:`user-sync-source`
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul. See: :ref:`user-field-mapping`
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul (EKB-6537: Support for a mechanism to override authentication method for QAS and Data Sync) . See:  :ref:`global-settings` 
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul (EKB-4383: Update default RBAC (FDPs, CFTs, MLs, APs) to remove deprecated models) . See:  :ref:`configure_single_sign-on_for_voss-4-uc` 
* VOSS-551: User Management Overhaul (EKB-7380: Auth update: LDAP and SSO server schema changes) . See:  :ref:`configure_single_sign-on_for_voss-4-uc` 
* VOSS-568: Support for customer-specific SSO URLs. See: :ref:`configure_single_sign-on_for_voss-4-uc`
* VOSS-592: Multi-cluster FAC Management. See: :ref:`forced-authorization-codes`
* VOSS-618: Add Enhanced Provider and Customer Menu set for Provider Deployments. See: :ref:`menu-layout-best-practices`
* VOSS-620: Provide warning prompts for purge data syncs. See: :ref:`data_sync_types`
* VOSS-634: PLACEHOLDER (EKB-3035: Expose Move Subscriber in BAP) . See:  :ref:`move-subscriber` 
* VOSS-651: Number Inventory Improvements. See: :ref:`list-number-inventory-overview`
* VOSS-651: Number Inventory Improvements. See: :ref:`concepts-number-status-usage`
* VOSS-651: Number Inventory Improvements. See: :ref:`number-range-management`
* VOSS-651: Number Inventory Improvements. See: :ref:`number-management-cooling`
* VOSS-651: Number Inventory Improvements. See: :ref:`number-reservation`
* VOSS-660: Add Phone Device to User Tool. See: :ref:`add-device-to-user`
* VOSS-667: Clusterwide Call Park and Directed Call Park. See: :ref:`concepts-call-park-management`
* VOSS-670: Small Enhancements 20.1.1 (EKB-5233: Ability to see and update the JSON data for a record in the admin portal) . See:  :ref:`editing-items` 
* VOSS-670: Small Enhancements 20.1.1 (EKB-4062: Add custom boolean and string fields to Site Default Doc schema) . See:  :ref:`modify_site_defaults` 
* VOSS-670: Small Enhancements 20.1.1 (EKB-5199: Replace all Href instances for Views in default Menus with the Model Type of View) . See:  :ref:`create_a_menu_layout` 
* VOSS-670: Small Enhancements 20.1.1 (EKB-3923: Add Line Delete functionality for cases where Lines are removed from Devices) . See:  :ref:`line-delete-prefs` 
* VOSS-670: Small Enhancements 20.1.1 (EKB-3785: List view summary attributes must honor FDP title overrides) . See:  :ref:`field_display_policies` 
* VOSS-670: Small Enhancements 20.1.1 (EKB-4802: Allow system level transactions to be hidden from the transaction log) . See:  :ref:`filtering_transactions` 
* VOSS-670: Small Enhancements 20.1.1 (EKB-4370: Make data sync fail immediately when there is an incorrect MIF) . See:  :ref:`model_instance_filter` 
* VOSS-670: Small Enhancements 20.1.1 (EKB-4868: Create menu diff tool) . See:  :ref:`concepts-menu-diff-tool` 
* VOSS-676: New Administration Portal (EKB-3318: New GUI must support the Cache Control Policy for each model type) . See:  :ref:`editing-items` 
* VOSS-687: Provide Extension Mobility Management in BAP Portal (EKB-4500: Add new Device Profile Relation) . See:  :ref:`add_subscribers`

  New topic: Extension Mobility management topic added for Business Admin Portal and VOSS-4-UC.
* VOSS-687: Provide Extension Mobility Management in BAP Portal (EKB-4500: Add new Device Profile Relation) . See:  :ref:`extension-mobility-intro`

  New topic: Extension Mobility management topic added for Business Admin Portal and VOSS-4-UC.
* VOSS-687: Provide Extension Mobility Management in BAP Portal (EKB-4500: Add new Device Profile Relation) . See:  :ref:`standalone-extension-mobility`

  New topic: Extension Mobility management topic added for Business Admin Portal and VOSS-4-UC.
* VOSS-689: Improve usability of Media Termination Point, Transcoder and Conference resources. See: :ref:`media-resources`
* VOSS-692: Reset/Restart all phones in a Site. See: :ref:`reset-restart-site-phones`
* VOSS-712: Ability to upload MOH files. See: :ref:`moh-file-management`
* VOSS-719: Allow Auto Attendant pilot number to be modifiable and optional (EKB-5821: Callhandler: make Pilot number optional) . See:  :ref:`add_call_handler_service` 
* VOSS-719: Allow Auto Attendant pilot number to be modifiable and optional (EKB-5821: Callhandler: make Pilot number optional) . See:  :ref:`modify_call_handler_service` 
* VOSS-719: Allow Auto Attendant pilot number to be modifiable and optional (EKB-5720: SysCallhandler: Expose 'Transfer Action' settings (under Transfer Rules tab)) . See:  :ref:`modify_call_handler_service` 
* VOSS-722: VOSS Phone Server Solution. See: :ref:`voss-phone-server-overview`
* VOSS-722: VOSS Phone Server Solution. See: :ref:`managing-voss-phone-servers`
* VOSS-722: VOSS Phone Server Solution. See: :ref:`voss-phones`

Provider Core Feature Guide: Release 21.1

* EKB-10133: Update "default' Business Admin Portal Profile to Allow Switch to Admin Portal. See: :ref:`concepts-config-BAP-profiles`
* EKB-7436: Implement short term safe-guard against deleting a bulk of users. See: :ref:`data_sync_types`
* EKB-7504: Add Microsoft to VOSS Audit File. See: :ref:`p_create_a_customer`
* EKB-8338: Add support to specify the managed Site and Subscription for Webex Teams. See: :ref:`webex-teams-licenses`
* EKB-8338: Add support to specify the managed Site and Subscription for Webex Teams. See: :ref:`create-webex-teams-service`
* EKB-8974: Expose 'Prepend Digits' and 'Wait for Additional Digits Timer' fields on Auto Attendant Caller Input tab. See: :ref:`modify_call_handler_service`
* EKB-8995: Add support for Single Sign-On. See: :ref:`sso_users_and_login`
* EKB-8995: Add support for Single Sign-On. See: :ref:`configure_single_sign-on_for_voss-4-uc`
* EKB-9104: Flow through provisioning (Zero touch provisioning). See: :ref:`global-settings`
* EKB-9104: Flow through provisioning (Zero touch provisioning). See: :ref:`flow-through-provisioning-criteria`
* EKB-9773: Generic Dial Plan: Add field "prefixDn" to SIP Trunk Dial Plan Model. See: :ref:`dial_plan_models`
* EKB-9816: Enable Mobility for the User automatically when adding a Personal Phone entry or enabling Personal Phone Management. See: :ref:`add_subscribers`
* VOSS-693: Small Enhancements 21.1 (EKB-1363: Update / re-design the About / Extended page (for normal and then for TDK)) . See:  :ref:`introduction-to-the-admin-gui` 
* VOSS-725: Webex Teams Device / Hybrid Call Management. See: :ref:`global-settings`
* VOSS-725: Webex Teams Device / Hybrid Call Management. See: :ref:`email-setup`
* VOSS-725: Webex Teams Device / Hybrid Call Management. See: :ref:`quick_add_subscriber_group_default_model`
* VOSS-725: Webex Teams Device / Hybrid Call Management. See: :ref:`webex-teams-user-csv-files`
* VOSS-725: Webex Teams Device / Hybrid Call Management. See: :ref:`create-webex-teams-service`
* VOSS-770: New Admin GUI Enhancements 21.1 (EKB-8081: Update Menu Layouts to support Landing Page targets) . See:  :ref:`create_a_menu_layout` 
* VOSS-770: New Admin GUI Enhancements 21.1 (EKB-8081: Update Menu Layouts to support Landing Page targets) . See:  :ref:`menu_layout_field_reference` 
* VOSS-770: New Admin GUI Enhancements 21.1 (EKB-8084: Update Menu Layouts to support custom GUI components) . See:  :ref:`menu_layout_field_reference` 
* VOSS-770: New Admin GUI Enhancements 21.1 (EKB-8083: Update Menu Layouts to support conditional items) . See:  :ref:`menu_layout_field_reference` 
* VOSS-770: New Admin GUI Enhancements 21.1 (EKB-8081: Update Menu Layouts to support Landing Page targets) . See:  :ref:`voss-custom-components` 
* VOSS-770: New Admin GUI Enhancements 21.1 (EKB-9491: Landing page links must support custom components) . See:  :ref:`voss-custom-components` 
* VOSS-770: New Admin GUI Enhancements 21.1 (EKB-9491: Landing page links must support custom components) . See:  :ref:`create_a_landing_page` 
* VOSS-778: Cisco Phone Status Export Tool (EKB-6877: Create new View + PWF to initiate a filtered phone status export) . See:  :ref:`phone-status-export` 
* VOSS-778: Cisco Phone Status Export Tool (EKB-7863: Export Phone Status - Device Name should be case insensitive) . See:  :ref:`phone-status-export` 
* VOSS-790: Pexip Support. See: :ref:`set-up-pexip`
* VOSS-790: Pexip Support. See: :ref:`check_user_provisioning_status`
* VOSS-790: Pexip Support. See: :ref:`global-settings`
* VOSS-790: Pexip Support. See: :ref:`add_subscribers`
* VOSS-790: Pexip Support. See: :ref:`quick_add_subscriber_group_default_model`
* VOSS-790: Pexip Support. See: :ref:`provision-the-pexip-service`
* VOSS-790: Pexip Support. See: :ref:`pexip-conferencing`
* VOSS-790: Pexip Support. See: :ref:`run_overbuild`
* VOSS-794: Improve transaction log management (EKB-8517: Mechanism to override transaction log level for data sync execution) . See:  :ref:`transaction-log-levels` 
* VOSS-794: Improve transaction log management (EKB-8602: Preserve debug logs for failed transactions) . See:  :ref:`transaction-log-levels` 
* VOSS-794: Improve transaction log management (EKB-9184: Update tooltip for data/DataSync.transaction_log_level to call out default value when value is not set) . See:  :ref:`transaction-log-levels` 
* VOSS-794: Improve transaction log management (EKB-9092: Create a view to allow users below sys hierarchy to change transaction log level) . See:  :ref:`manage-system-settings` 
* VOSS-794: Improve transaction log management (EKB-8517: Mechanism to override transaction log level for data sync execution) . See:  :ref:`create-a-custom-data-sync` 
* VOSS-795: Multi-vendor Subscriber List and Dashboard (EKB-8087: Make Entitlement Profile services generic) . See:  :ref:`entitlement` 
* VOSS-795: Multi-vendor Subscriber List and Dashboard (EKB-8082: Create Supported Vendor/Service Global Settings) . See:  :ref:`global-settings` 
* VOSS-795: Multi-vendor Subscriber List and Dashboard. See: :ref:`concepts-view-subscribers`
* VOSS-795: Multi-vendor Subscriber List and Dashboard. See: :ref:`multi-vendor-subscribers`
* VOSS-835: Extended Webex Teams User and Workplace Management. See: :ref:`global-settings`
* VOSS-835: Extended Webex Teams User and Workplace Management. See: :ref:`email-setup`
* VOSS-842: Customer and App onboarding automation between VOSS-4-UC and Assurance. See: :ref:`voss-assurance-overview`
* VOSS-842: Customer and App onboarding automation between VOSS-4-UC and Assurance. See: :ref:`voss-assurance-arbitrators`
* VOSS-842: Customer and App onboarding automation between VOSS-4-UC and Assurance. See: :ref:`probe-names-profile-timings`
* VOSS-842: Customer and App onboarding automation between VOSS-4-UC and Assurance. See: :ref:`concepts-onboard-voss-assurance-assets`
* VOSS-842: Customer and App onboarding automation between VOSS-4-UC and Assurance. See: :ref:`concepts-offboard-voss-assurance-assets`
* VOSS-842: Customer and App onboarding automation between VOSS-4-UC and Assurance. See: :ref:`set_up_cisco_unified_communications_manager_servers`
* VOSS-842: Customer and App onboarding automation between VOSS-4-UC and Assurance. See: :ref:`set_up_cisco_unity_connection`
* VOSS-847: Support for Microsoft O365 and MS Teams Management. See: :ref:`site-defaults-doc-templates`
* VOSS-847: Support for Microsoft O365 and MS Teams Management. See: :ref:`modify_site_defaults`
* VOSS-847: Support for Microsoft O365 and MS Teams Management. See: :ref:`ms-configuration-setup`
* VOSS-847: Support for Microsoft O365 and MS Teams Management. See: :ref:`tasks-configure-ms-tenant`
* VOSS-847: Support for Microsoft O365 and MS Teams Management. See: :ref:`concepts-config-BAP-subscriber-profiles`
* VOSS-847: Support for Microsoft O365 and MS Teams Management. See: :ref:`concepts-intro-ms-dialplan-management`
* VOSS-847: Support for Microsoft O365 and MS Teams Management. See: :ref:`ms-tenant-dialplan`
* VOSS-847: Support for Microsoft O365 and MS Teams Management. See: :ref:`ms-teams-policies`
* VOSS-847: Support for Microsoft O365 and MS Teams Management. See: :ref:`concepts-ms-configuration`
* VOSS-847: Support for Microsoft O365 and MS Teams Management. See: :ref:`tasks-onboard-offboard-ms-users`
* VOSS-847: Support for Microsoft O365 and MS Teams Management. See: :ref:`concepts-ms-licenses`
* VOSS-847: Support for Microsoft O365 and MS Teams Management. See: :ref:`VOSS-4-UC-configuration-and-sync-for-microsoft`
* VOSS-847: Support for Microsoft O365 and MS Teams Management. See: :ref:`user-move-for-microsoft`
* VOSS-847: Support for Microsoft O365 and MS Teams Management. See: :ref:`model-filter-criteria`
* VOSS-847: Support for Microsoft O365 and MS Teams Management. See: :ref:`sync-with-flow-through-for-microsoft`