.. _spark_workflow:

Webex Teams Feature Workflow


.. note::

   Only steps 1 and 2 below are mandatory for Webex Teams to function in VOSS-4-UC.
   The other steps are dependent on your particular requirements.

A typical Webex Teams workflow is:

1. Create Webex Teams Service (see :ref:`create-webex-teams-service`).
#. Make sure that the **Webex Teams** check box is selected at the required hierarchy
   level under both **Entitlement > Catalogs** (see :ref:`create_an_entitlement_catalog`)
   and **Entitlement > Profiles** (see :ref:`create_an_entitlement_profile`). 
#. Sync existing Webex Teams users for the customer by clicking **Action > Sync
   Webex Teams Users** on the **Customer Access** form. A sync can also be run by
   executing **SyncSpark[Customer]** from **Administration Tools > Data Sync**.   
#. Add a Webex Teams user in VOSS-4-UC (see :ref:`add_spark_user`).
#. Add Webex Teams users using **Subscriber Management > Subscribers**.
#. If you want to add a Webex Teams user using Quick Add Subscriber (QAS), choose
   the **Webex Teams User Template** to use for the user. This selection overrides
   the default user template referenced in the **Quick Add Subscriber Groups**
   associated to the user. If a **Webex Teams User Template** is not selected from
   the drop-down, selection falls back to the **Webex Teams User Template**
   referenced in the associated **Quick Add Subscriber Groups**. If you want
   customized values, clone the **Webex Teams User Template** (**Customizations >
   Configuration Templates**), and edit as required.
#. Add Webex Teams users using **Subscriber Management > Quick Add Subscriber**
   (see :ref:`qas_webex_teams`)
#. Provision Webex Teams for an existing user (see :ref:`provision_the_spark_service`).