.. _set_up_sip_local_gateway:

.. rst-class:: chapter-with-expand

Set up SIP Local Gateway

**Before You Begin**

* You must configure an IOS Device at the customer hierarchy node.
* You must configure an NDL containing the Cisco Unified CM for the customer.
* You must configure a SIP Trunk at the customer hierarchy node.

A SIP Local Gateway is a logical gateway running on a physical IOS device.


1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
#. Set the hierarchy path to the customer for which you are setting up
   the SIP Local Gateway.
#. Choose **Device Management > IOS > SIP Local Gateways**.
#. Click **Add**.
#. On the **SIP Local Gateways** screen, complete at minimum, the mandatory
#. Click **Save**.

   * The SIP Local Gateway appears in the **SIP Local Gateway** list view.
   * The HcsAddSipLocalGwEVT event is generated. If enabled, the IOS
     Command Builder generates the default IOS commands associated with the
   * The HcsAddSipLocalGwDialPeerEVT event is generated. If enabled, the
     IOS Command Builder generates the default IOS commands associated with
     the event for each dial peer.

.. _sip_local_gateways_fields:

SIP Local Gateways Fields

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Field                   | Description                               |
| Name \*                 | Enter a name for the SIP Local Gateway.   |
|                         | This field is mandatory.                  |
| Description             | Enter a description for the SIP Local     |
|                         | Gateway.                                  |
|                         | Choose the IOS Device on which the SIP    |
|                         | Local Gateway is located. This field is   |
|                         | mandatory.                                |
|                         | Note:                                     |
| IOS Device \*           |                                           |
|                         | An IOS Device can have only one SIP Local |
|                         | Gateway.                                  |
|                         |                                           |
|                         | Once selected, the IOS Device cannot be   |
|                         | changed.                                  |
|                         | Choose the country where the SIP Local    |
|                         | Gateway is. This field is mandatory.      |
| Country \*              |                                           |
|                         | The country selected must be the same     |
|                         | country as the Site to which the SIP      |
|                         | local gateway will be associated.         |
|                         | Choose the CUCM Publisher. All CUCM       |
|                         | Publishers that are in the customer's NDL |
|                         | are displayed. This field is mandatory.   |
| CUCM Publisher \*       |                                           |
|                         | The chosen CUCM Publisher must be the     |
|                         | same as the CUCM Publisher in the NDL for |
|                         | the Site to which the SIP local gateway   |
|                         | will be associated.                       |
|                         | Choose the SIP Trunk from the ones        |
|                         | available on the CUCM Publisher. This     |
|                         | field is mandatory.                       |
|                         | Note:                                     |
|                         |                                           |
| SIP Trunk \*            | Only SIP Trunks configured at the         |
|                         | customer hierarchy are available. If the  |
|                         | customer uses a shared CUCM, then SIP     |
|                         | Trunks must be manually configured at the |
|                         | customer level in VOSS-4-UC to be         |
|                         | selectable here.                          |
|                         | Gateway Address. This field is read-only  |
|                         | and is derived from the selected SIP      |
|                         | Trunk.                                    |
| Gateway Address         |                                           |
|                         | Note:                                     |
|                         |                                           |
|                         | If a SIP Trunk has multiple destination   |
|                         | addresses, only the first one is used.    |
| Gateway Port            | Gateway Port. This field is read-only and |
|                         | is derived from the selected SIP Trunk.   |
|                         | Indicates whether call processing is      |
| Run on Every Node       | distributed across all CUCM subscriber    |
|                         | nodes. This field is read-only and is     |
|                         | derived from the selected SIP Trunk.      |
|                         | If the **Run on Every Node** is cleared   |
|                         | then the Call Manager Group members are   |
|                         | displayed in priority order.              |
| Dial Peer Info          |                                           |
|                         | If the **Run on Every Node** check box is |
|                         | selected, then all CUCM nodes in the      |
|                         | cluster are displayed, but without        |
|                         | priority.                                 |
|                         | Select this check box to have Command     |
| Enable Command          | Builder generate commands when SIP Local  |
| Builder \*              | Gateway is added, deleted, or modified.   |
|                         | Default = Selected.                       |
|                         |                                           |
|                         | If this is checked and the Override       |
|                         | below is also checked, then               |
|                         | E164-to-DN disassociation will fail if it |
|                         | exceeds the default limit. This setting   |
|                         | should therefore be un-selected for       |
|                         | disassociation to succeed in this case.   |
| Override Voice          | Select this check box to override Voice   |
| Translation Limit       | Translation Limit if E164 associations    |
| ** Warning may          | exceed 80. Default = Cleared.             |
| invalidate Command      | Note that once checked and saved, then    |
| Builder Configuration** | un-checking will not reset the limit      |
|                         | to 80. Contact VOSS support or a high     |
|                         | level admin to reset it to 80.            |