.. _set_up_im_and_presence_service_servers:

Set Up IM and Presence Service Servers

This procedure configures IM and Presence Service servers within a
Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster.

.. note::

   References to HCM-F and Shared Data Repository (SDR) are only relevant if

**Perform these steps**:

1. Log in as the appropriate hierarchy administrator.

   Only a provider or reseller administrator can create a shared
   instance. A customer, provider, or reseller administrator can create a
   dedicated instance.

2. Set the hierarchy path to the correct level. Create a shared instance
   at the provider or reseller level. Create a dedicated instance at the
   customer level.
3. Choose **Device Management > CUCM > Servers**.
4. Click **Add**.
5. Enter the IM and Presence Service server name in the **CUCM Server Name** field.

   Note: An IM and Presence Service server that has been configured in
   HCM-F and synced into VOSS-4-UC may exist at the sys.hcs hierarchy. If the
   server name you enter matches this server, the **Migrate from HCM-F to VOSS-4-UC**
   check box is displayed. Click **Save** to migrate this server to the current
   hierarchy level. The fields are populated with the values that were configured
   in HCM-F. If you do not want to migrate the server, enter a different server name.

6. From the **Server Type** drop-down, choose **IM_P**.
7. To configure a publisher node, select the **Publisher** check box.


   The **Publisher** tab is not populated for an IM and Presence Service
   publisher node.

8. Select the Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster from the
   **Cluster Name** drop-down.
9. Expand **Network Addresses**.

   a. Select the SERVICE_PROVIDER_SPACE address space.
   b. The **Hostname** field is automatically populated with the IM and
      Presence Service Server Name. Edit it if necessary.
   c. Enter the IP address of the IM and Presence Service server in the
      **IPv4 Address** field.
      Note: Either the hostname or the IP address is required. Ensure
      that the hostname or IP address does not contain a trailing blank
      space. VOSS-4-UC cannot validate an entry that contains a blank space at
      the end of the hostname or IP address.
   d. Fill in the domain of the IM and Presence Service application.
   e. Provide an optional description for the network address.

   If NAT is used, also configure an APPLICATION_SPACE network address.

10. Expand **Credentials**.

    a. Add credentials for PLATFORM, ADMIN, HTTP, and SNMP_Vx credential
       types. Click + to add more credentials.
    b. Fill in the user ID and password that you configured when you
       installed the IM and Presence Service.
    c. Choose RO (Read-only) or RW (Read or Write) for the Access Type.
       The default is RO.
    d. Provide an optional description for the credential.

    ADMIN, HTTP, PLATFORM, and SNMP are required for PCA to manage IM &
    Presence Service. PLATFORM and ADMIN are also required for Service
    Inventory to generate reports for UC applications.

11. Click **Save**.